Chapter One: The Attack

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"Y/N!" A soft yet loud voice was heard, followed by a warm body making impact with the blonde haired boy.

"You don't know how worried I've been!" The voice belonged to none other than his mother.

He and Draco had been wondering around the train station, in search of their parents after the train had arrived.

"I'm sorry, mother." Y/N whispered, hugging his mother tightly.

The two parted to reveal his father standing in front, staring at Y/N with a conflicted expression on his face.

"Father." Y/N acknowledged him, letting go of his mother.

"Y/N." Lucius responded awkwardly as he made his way towards his son.

Draco looked towards his brother while he hugged his mother. He had tried to speak with his father on behalf of Y/N, to protect the little brother he loved so dearly but even he wasn't so sure how their interaction would go.

"Father I-" Y/N cut himself off when his father arrived in front of him.

Y/N closed his eyes to brace himself, clenching his fists while waiting for an impact he believed that would make contact with his cheek but nothing came. Instead he felt the warm arms of his father envelope him with a warm embrace. Y/N was not a hugger. He was far from one though he let people such as Hermione and his mother to give him physical contact, he was never used to his father doing it. This must have been the most awkward hug Y/N had ever received yet it was a memory he would remember for all of his life.

"Welcome home, dear boy." His father mumbled into the hug.

Lucius Malfoy, a stern and powerful man that believed in his supremacy more than anyone had always been soft for his family. Y/N knew that.

"I'm home, father." Y/N hugged him back tightly.


"Blimey, dad! How far up are we?" Y/N heard a familiar red-head's voice as he followed his father across the wooden steps.

"Well, put it this way." Lucius spoke up, looking towards the Weasley family that walked up a thin stairway.

Y/N walked up behind his father, his hands tucked into his suit pant's pockets along with Draco who stood by his brother.

"If it rains... you'll be the first to know."

Y/N and Draco chuckled, leaning on the metal handrails.

"Father, Y/N and I are in the minister's box!" Draco showed off, causing the Weasley's to begin walking away.

Y/N noticed his father also walking away, quickly rushing off to follow him.

" personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself."

Y/N kept his eyes up at the Weasley's who soon revealed Harry and Hermione, walking behind them. Y/N made eye contact with Hermione. She raised her eyebrow at him with a frown from Draco's words when Y/N winked at her, making her blush and look away from him.

"Don't boast, Draco." Lucius scolded, shoving his cane at his chest.

Y/N laughed at his brother, earning himself a glare and a playful smack from him.

"There's no need with these people."

They looked up at the Weasley's with Harry and Hermione once more. Y/N finally got a good look at Hermione and his legs instantly felt like jelly. She had grown up so much in the time they were apart. Y/N had already thought she was beautiful before but she still managed to amaze him. Her hair was in a loose ponytail with stray strands flying through the slight breeze, she wore no make up but she didn't need it. She was beautiful. Hermione seemed to be staring at Y/N the same way he stared at her, completely in awe. They had only sent each other a few owls the past few weeks, with Y/N sending Kai so his father wouldn't notice but those letters did not include any photos.

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