Chapter One: Pink

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"Y/N..." Hermione moaned as he nibbled at her neck while pinning her down on her bed.

Y/N hummed out a response before kissing at different spots on her neck, his hands tugging at her shirt.

"Y-Y/N my parents are downstairs." Hermione managed to mutter out, pulling her shirt down and pushing Y/N away softly.

Y/N pouted before getting off of her, crossing his legs with Hermione's wrapped around his waist. Hermione chuckled at her boyfriend's response while sitting up onto his lap. She fiddled around with his hair, making it look nice and tidy to ensure that her parents wouldn't suspect their little snogging session.

(A/N: I know some of you thought something else was happening, you little nasties.)

"I love you." Y/N smiled at her serious expression.

"I love you too." Hermione moved her hands from his hair to his cheeks, squishing them while giving him a short kiss on the lips.

"Hermione! Y/N! Tea's ready!" Mrs. Granger called out from downstairs.

"Come on, Y/N." Hermione said, taking his hand and getting off the bed.

Y/N had other plans however, pulling her back to sit on the bed. He then placed both of his hands on her cheeks pressing another kiss onto her lips before peppering her face with little kisses making her giggle.

"Y/NNNN, my mum's calling us." Hermione whined with a smile.

"Give me a kiss first." Y/N smirked, pointing to his own lips.

Hermione forced a sigh before giving him what he wanted. As soon as their lips collided, Y/N wrapped an arm around her waist and another around her head, deepening their kiss as he softly laid her back down onto her soft bed.

Y/N loved being close to Hermione. Her lips tasted like a subtle strawberry flavor. Y/N wasn't sure if her lips tasted naturally sweet due to her not really wearing makeup but he didn't care. He loved it. She smelled like vanilla essence. Most people would describe that as a classic, boring scent but Y/N felt at ease whenever he'd smell that.

"Hermione! Y/N!" Mrs. Granger called out once more.

The two finally separated from each other's lips due to the lack of air.

"You need to stop doing that." Hermione breathed out, hitting him lightly on the chest.

"Doing what?" Y/N smiled innocently before getting off her.

"Making me feel helpless against your touch..." Hermione admitted with a blush while straightening up her hair.

"Come on, Granger. Just admit you love my lips." Y/N winked at her, fixing his own hair this time.

"You love mine." She whispered into his ear, making him shiver before letting out a cheeky giggle as she made her way out of the door

"You're seriously going to be the death of me, Lion." Y/N sighed, holding a hand over his heart, trying to calm himself.


"You really love her, don't you? Our Hermione?" Mr. Granger spoke up as the two sat on a picnic blanket, watching Hermione and Mrs. Granger pick dandelions from the field.

"With everything I've got." Y/N replied, staring at Hermione with the softest expression Mr. Granger had ever seen.

"How would you describe her to a stranger?" Mr. Granger questioned him, making sure that he was suitable for his only daughter.

Invisible Things (Hermione Granger x Male Slytherin Reader)Where stories live. Discover now