Chapter Three: Lion

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Footsteps rang through the hallways of Hogwarts as Y/N and Hermione ran as fast as they could to class. They had just gotten out of Arithmancy, using the time-turner to take Defense Against the Dark Arts. Y/N had to go to the bathroom however, making them run a little late.

Y/N nearly fell over, being pulled by the hand by Hermione who ran in front of him slightly. After correcting his posture, he let go of Hermione's hand and held it again with his other hand switching their places so that Y/N was now pulling Hermione behind him.

"You know, Hermione." Y/N said through pants as they turned a corner.

Hermione hummed a response, tightening her grip on Y/N's hands, running faster.

"Your hair looks like a lion from behind." Y/N teased, making Hermione stop in her tracks.

Y/N raised an eyebrow at the girl who turned to face him, both of them panting.

"A lion?" She questioned him, leaning close to his face.

"Well- yeah." Y/N backed up slightly.

"Scary like a lion."

"Scary?" She repeated, coming close to his face once more.

Y/N nodded, afraid of her serious face when Hermione suddenly brought her hands up to her face.

"Roar!" Hermione imitated the sound cutely, pretending her hands were claws.

Y/N swore he felt a tug at his heart at her giggle that came after. Y/N stood still, watching as Hermione began to walk away once more, rummaging through her bag. Y/N watched as she put her hair in a messy bun, a few strands still falling down her neck.

"What was that? Granger?" Y/N chuckled, jogging to catch up to her.

"Can you do it again?"

"Do what?" Hermione asked him innocently as they walked alongside each other.

"The thing-" Y/N said, nudging her on the shoulder.

Y/N looked down, grabbing her hand to make her stop in front of him.

"The- Roar!" Y/N imitated with one hand.

"Why should I?" Hermione giggled at Y/N's imitation, making him blush slightly.

She turned away, leaving Y/N dumbfounded but after a few steps, she leaped at Y/N doing the roar once more.

Y/N jerked backwards, a little startled but managed to keep a straight face.

"Wow." Y/N breathed out, trying not to smile.

"You really are uncute." He teased before walking off again, hiding the smile on his face.

"You are such a jerk, you know that right?" Hermione groaned, running up next to him.

"A handsome one." Y/N flashed a sneaky grin as they neared the classroom.

"I hate you." Hermione muttered under her breath.

"No you don't." Y/N replied confidently as he opened the door to the room, sneaking in with Hermione behind him.

"Come on."

"Intriguing, isn't it?" Lupin said, standing next to the shaking cupboard.

The cupboard was made of wood yet was tattered and old, it was decorated with many mirrors making it so that the students could see themselves in the reflection.

It shook once more, startling most of the students.

"Would anyone like to venture a guess... as to what is inside?"

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