Chapter Three: Lost

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"Don't worry. He'll be here in a minute." Ron said stuffing his mouth with jelly as Hermione stared at the Great Hall's doors.

Y/N, Hermione and Ron had gotten off the Hogwarts Express and attended the welcome back ceremony without Harry and now Y/N had joined the other two back on the table.

Hermione held her book tightly in her arm while glaring at Ron. Y/N sat across from them next to Ginny, playing around with his bowl of jelly.

"Will you stop eating?!" Hermione scolded angrily, smacking Ron with her book after every word.

"Your best friend is missing!"

"Sometimes they look more like an old married couple." Ginny teased, noticing Y/N's tense expression.

"Traitor." Y/N scoffed, stealing some of her jelly and eating it.

"He's covered in blood again." Ginny said, watching Harry finally enter the Great Hall with a bloody nose.

"Why is it he's always covered in blood?"

"Looks like it's his own this time." Ron spoke in a low voice.

"Where have you been?!" Hermione instantly questioned Harry as soon as he got to their table.

Y/N moved over to the side, allowing Harry to sit next to Ginny.

"What happened to your face?"

"Later." Harry waved her off.

"What've I missed?"

Y/N turned them out at that point, instead mindlessly playing around with his jelly once more.

He's have to tell them at some point. At least Hermione. There's no way she wouldn't notice something was off. He was always with her. The only problem was, how would he tell her.

"Y/N, what's wro-" Hermione began to speak as her gaze fell on her troubled boyfriend.

"Very best of evenings to you all." Dumbledore spoke from the front of the hall, interrupting Hermione.

Y/N took a glance at Hermione's worried expression. He gulped before turning to Dumbledore. Though it was a formal occasion, they had already eaten dessert so Y/N decided it was best to remain at the Gryffindor tables.

"First off, let me introduce the newest member of our staff... Horace Slughorn."

The students all clapped loudly as the new Professor stood up for everyone to see. He wore a friendly smile, waving at the students.

"Professor Slughorn, I'm happy to say... has agreed to resume his old post as Potions Master." Dumbledore spoke up once more as the clapping died down.

"Meanwhile, the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts... will be taken by Professor Snape."

Everyone shared questioning looks except for the Slytherin students who clapped loudly at his success.

Y/N on the other hand was still lost in thoughts, trying to figure out when to tell Hermione and how along with what he and Draco could do to fulfill their mission.

"Now, as you know... each and every one of you was searched upon your arrival here tonight. And you have the right to know why." Dumbledore began.

Y/N and Draco were both searched by Snape who they knew to be close with their family.

"Once there was a young man, who, like you... sat in this very hall... walked this castle's corridors, slept under it's roof. He seemed to all the world a student like any other. His name? Tom Riddle." 

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