Chapter Three: Rivalry

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They were sat in Transfiguration class, currently doing self-study, Y/N had run in late due to him socializing with a Ravenclaw, forgetting his next class was somewhere further. Y/N had instantly become popular in their school-year, he was social and easy to get along with, even other houses took interest in him, mostly girls their age.

"Today you will receive your small quiz results from last lesson." McGonagall spoke up, putting her quill away.

"I do admit, the test was a bit difficult due to this being only your third week in Hogwarts, I am impressed that one of you had gotten full marks.

"It's definitely gonna be our Y/N." One of the Slytherin students smirked.

Y/N grinned, when he wasn't out socializing or following Harry around, he studied a lot. Even back before going to Hogwarts he knew more than most kids his age, Draco was sure of that fact. McGonagall waved her wand, making papers fly around the room before falling on the tables. Y/N's mouth opened wide, his face dropped when he read his mark.

"98 out of 100?!" Draco blurted, looking over Y/N's shoulder.

"Then who?!"

"Woah! Nice going, Hermione's got full marks!" Neville praised, smiling widely at Hermione.

Y/N was in shock, how could a Muggle-born possibly do better than him in transfiguration. It must have been a coincidence.

"It must've been pure luck." Draco spat, rolling his eyes.

He could not believe that his dear brother could lose to anyone, he'd seen how well Y/N would do in any subject, always reading books at home when he could.

Although Y/N brushed it off, telling his friends that he didn't mind it, it was obvious to Draco that Y/N was extremely bothered.


"Y/N, come have lunch with us!" Draco yelled through the doors of their dorms.

"I'm going to head to the library, you go on ahead!" Y/N yelled back, he had reading glasses on with many papers covering his bed.

Y/N quickly gathered all of his scattered pieces of parchments, stuffing it in a small messenger bag whilst reading through his books, choosing which to return to the library. It had been a week since they had their transfiguration results back and he had been studying non-stop. He missed out on a few hours of sleep due to this, he refused to lose to Hermione once again. His father expected him to be the very best as soon as Y/N showed talent for magic, and he was terrified of his father. Draco was definitely his favorite.

Walking through the halls, Y/N felt a bit wobbly, clutching his head when he felt an ache though he continued to head to the library, pushing through his tiredness through the rows of shelves when his vision began to fade.

"Bloody hell." Y/N muttered as he lost consciousness.


"You're finally awake." Hermione's voice rang out while Y/N sat up.

"Granger?!" Y/N was startled upon hearing her voice, getting up from the couch he was laid across.

"Shhh we're in the library." Hermione scolded, reminded Y/N of where he was.

"I found you sleeping in between one of the isles. This was the furthest I could carry you, you are pretty heavy you know? There aren't many people in the library at lunch time."

"Shouldn't you be eating in the Great Hall with your friends?" Y/N questioned, his face was pink upon realizing that a Muggle-born had helped him.

He checked his watch, it had been about half an hour since he arrived at the library.

Invisible Things (Hermione Granger x Male Slytherin Reader)Where stories live. Discover now