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chapter nine

Cassandra pov

"Shouldn't we be celebrating you leaving that crusty ass job? What you keep checking yo phone for? You expecting somebody to call or something?" O'Sean asked. I looked up from my phone just as he bit into his ice cream bar like a maniac, causing me to cringe. I shook my head. How could he do that? How could anyone do that? So weird. So unnatural. He was right though. I was looking at my phone every seven seconds just in case Hailey called or texted or Snapchatted or literally anything.

She hung up and I waited a few hours to call and tell her I decided to quit. She didn't answer. She usually did, but now I'm guessing she was just busy or something. I wish she wasn't busy though, and I wish I didn't wish she was busy cause it's making me seem clingy. I'm not clingy. I don't need a bitch, I'm what a bitch need.

"Yeah, just trying to see if this girl will call..." I trailed off playing with the settings in my phone. Don't talk about me. I'm not lame but I do it a lot when I'm anxious.

"Hold up. When you meet a girl?" Chris asked looking up from his phone.

Him, O'Sean, Me, Christiana, and Julia had gone out for Ice Cream. It was late and we would have gone eariler but Chris and Christiana just got off for work. O'Sean offered to pay for everyone which was nice of him. Now we were sitting around in this empty park. Only one street light lit up the park, and it was dim so it wasn't all that bright right now. I didn't mind. It was better like this though.

"At the hotel while I was working a shift. I hit her with the door on the roof." I mumbled.

"Leave it to you to hit a cute girl with a door." Julia said taking a seat on the big rock.

"How do you know she's cute?" Chris asked.

"She ain't stressing over no ugly girl." O'Sean said before Julia could say anything.

"No one is ugly. Society's standards are just screwed up." Christiana said taking a short sip of the milkshake in her hand. "And if your so worried about her calling, why don't you just call her?"

"I did. She didn't answer." I muttered.

I'm okay with her not answering. She doesn't have to answer everytime I call, she's old enough to do what she wants. Except I hope not to old. I don't want her to turn out to be some fifty year old crazy woman, on some ole orphan mess. She looked way too young to be fifty anyway, you know what they say though. Black don't crack. Well in her case half black don't crack. She never specified what was the other half.

"O'Sean, who are you planning on going to prom with?" Chris asked as everyone moved on to talk about something else.

"My bitch talkin' bout how she wanna go, but she haven't even bought a dress yet. I was like 'don't worry about it. tell me yo colors and i'm gonna find you one' and she like 'hell nah' and i'm sitting there looking stupid at this point." He smacks his teeth before shrugging. "Mannnn, she talkin bout she don't want me getting her dress cause boys don't nun about dresses. Her ass be stubborn as hell, it's all love though."

"You going to college?" Julia asked.

"I want to because I want to study and become a midwife or something like that. But they want you to go to school for a long ass time, and I ain't rocking with that idea." O'Sean shrugged.

"You helping women delivering babies would be the cutest thing ever!" Julia gushed making her hands clap together. "What made you want to be midwife?" She asked and O'Sean furrowed his eyebrows trying to think but he eventually came up with nothing.

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