9 {Hey kid, whatcha}

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"Hey kid, whatcha got there?" She asked.

"My friend here stuck his finger in an outlet and needs an ambulance," I told her.

"Alright, you can leave him here and I'll deal with him," She signed as she dialed a number.

"Thanks," I went back to the apartment. I collapsed at the door. "Holy shit that was terrifying," I sighed from relief.

"So you talk to yourself," Katsuki stated.

"OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY!" I typed.

"For what?" He asked as he made himself some coffee.

"For being annoying," I answered. I then tried to stand up, but my legs kept giving out. I guess I overused my quirk while running down the stairs."Hey can you tell my mom it's safe to come out and possibly carry me back to my room?" I texted him.

"Can't you just walk?" He asked.

"I overused my quirk and my legs are really numb. Even if I wanted to I couldn't walk for at least 2 hours," I texted him again.

"Fine," He rolled his eyes. He walked over to me with his cup in hand. "Hold this," He handed it to me and placed a hand on my back and the other hand under my legs. He lifted me up bridal style and started walking. "Hey, Y/n says it's safe for you to come out now," He said as we walked past mom's room.

"Alrig- what happened!?" Mom asked.

"I overused my quirk," I signed.

"Ohh, okay," She sighed as she walked back into the kitchen. Katsuki had me open the door and he walked in while closing it with his foot. I sat his cup down on a night stand that he had sat mine on too at some point. He held my upper body to the bars and I grabbed them. I started to pull up. I almost slipped but he caught me with his hand, by my butt... Embarrassing. He started to push me up and when I got all the way up I used my arms to pull me to the other side. I took a moment to breathe. I could feel the bed shake a little as Katsuki started to climb up. I guess his foot got caught on the last bar cuz the next thing I knew he flopped on top of me. The air was knocked out of my lungs as he slowly got on all fours. I flipped over and he was holding the back of his head.

I grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil from my pocket from earlier and wrote as I tried to gain my breath."Did you hit your head?" I showed it to him.

"Yeah, I'm too fucking tall for your bed," He groaned. "Why can't we sit on Deku's bed?" He asked.

"Because, I told him I wouldn't touch his stuff while he was gone," I answered. He rolled his eyes and flopped next to me. We both just stared at my ceiling for a bit. "You know, you're a lot nicer when you aren't pressured by your followers," I wrote and showed him.

"What's that supposed to mean!? I'm always nice!" He shouted.

"I take that back," I rolled my eyes as I wrote.

"You want me to kick your ass!?" He growled at me.

"I prefer that over you grabbing it," I made a face. -_-

I swear I saw him smirk for a split second before he leaned over me. "Aw, does that make you mad?" He made a pouty face.

"Get outta my face," I shoved a note in his face.

"Why?" He asked with his hot breath touching my face and lips hovering. "Does it make you uncomfortable?" Okay this boi seriously is smirking at me and I'm not sure whether I feel mad or turned on.

"Seriously, get outta my face," I wrote and placed it above my forehead.

"If it makes you angry then nope," I could almost feel his lips on mine as I shrank back down into the mattress to avoid kissing the guy that bullies my brother.

"I'm bout to use some serious static electricity if you-" He stopped me while I was writing. I looked up in surprise and he was still wearing that amused smirk. He was getting closer and closer. I turned my head away and closed my eyes. I put my hands up and signed 'N O' and he surprisingly stopped. I peeked back and saw he was thinking about which letters they were. I signed N O again while mouthing no.

"You really think some sign language is gonna keep me from getting what I want?" He asked. Shit, I misread him! He wasn't thinking about sign language. He was thinking about how to phase me!

"Don't you dare," I mouthed. He just smirked as he leaned closer and closer to me. He stopped right above me.

"HEYO-" The door busted open and Katsuki fell on me, which means his lips were on mine. "Ah- I should go," Izuku turned out the door. I felt my face go beet root red as I made eye contact with him then looked at the crimson orbs in front of me.

I shoved Katsuki off and dropped down off the bunk. I ran to Izuku and hid behind him. "Bro don't leave me," I signed.

"I always knew you two had some sort of feelings for each other," Izuku snorted.

A//N: Yeet, Izuku quit being piggy... Oink oink... I don't know what to say down here cuz I always have 1000 words but I accidentally typed the same paragraph twice... Let's say YEET another 54 times! YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET YEET ~Versailes7753

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