50 {We all walked}

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We all walked out of the cheap store.

"Watch it you punks! Get LOST!" Izuku shouted.

"That's all wrong!" Kirishima declared. "You gotta stick your chin out more!" He informed Izuku. I eyed him suspiciously, wondering if he had been observing Katsuki.

"You talking to me!?" Izuku took his advice.

"That's it!" Kirishima grinned.

"We're just a few scoundrels cruising for hot girls!" Iida declared.

"Close enough!" Kirishima gave Iida a thumbs up. He then gave me an expectant look.

"The hell are you looking at?" I declared with a menacing aura.

"Spot on!" He smiled. I tilted my head. Are- are Izuku, Iida, and I supposed to act like mob bosses or something?

"Great disguises. We'd stand out in this district if we were dressed like kids." Yao-Momo beamed.

"Yaoyorozu. Why didn't you just make the disguises to save money?" Todoroki asked.

"Ah-" Her eyes widened. "I can't do that! Think of the effect it'd have on the economy if I made everything!" She rambled. "We must ensure the flow of commerce! It's our duty as citizens!"

"Sure." Todoroki muttered.

"You just wanted to shop didn't you?" I signed to her so only she could see. She flinched and the look in her eyes said yes. At first, I was slightly irritated, since we were supposed to be rescuing Katsuki, but then I smiled and nodded. 

"Look! It's U.A. High!" Someone shouted. Izuku grunted in an angry fashion, acting of course, as he looked over his shoulder. We all flinched as we saw Principal Nezu, Mr. Aizawa, and Mr. Vlad on a big screen on the news.

"We are here- to apologize." Aizawa began. "A recent incident allowed harm to come to 27 first-year heroes. And we staff were ill-prepared." I frowned. I don't believe it was their fault... Also, I can't believe they got Aizawa to come onto TV... "We take responsibility for any trauma caused by our negligence. It's our duty to teach heroes, but also our duty to protect heroes in training." 

"This is crazy! He hates being on TV..." Kirishima spoke. 

"I'll take the first question!" A reporter's voice came from the giant speaker. "Since the beginning of the year, there have been 4 encounters with villains." 4?! I-I can only think of 2- oh wait. There's the USJ, Stain, Shigaraki running into Izuku at the mall, and Camp... Are those the four he's talking about? I asked myself. "This time students have been gravely injured. How do you explain this to their families? One can't help but wonder, what are the specific steps that U.A. is taking to ensure the safety of these student's future?"

I clenched my fists at my sides. "They're treating our teachers like- villains." Izuku took the words out of my mouth.

"We will increase patrol around the school. And we will review the security." Nezu answered. "The safety of our students is our top priority."

"These guys are crazy." Someone in the crowd around us declared. I clenched my fist tight enough to make my knuckles go white.

"They're gonna get those kids killed."

"They should be ashamed."

"Increase patrols? Give me a break"

"What jerks." Denki muttered. "It's not the teachers' fault this happened, yet they're treating it like it's all on the teachers."

"We should get out of here, before I do something we all regret." I declared, clenching my fist. Shoji and Iida kept close eyes on me as we began walking away. I tried to ignore the sound of the big screen.

"And what of Katsuki Bakugou?" My ears perked at the sound of my boyfriend's name. "He won the sports festival, he had top marks entering U.A., and before that, he survived an attack against a powerful sludge villain. The boy is strong and heroic, there is no doubt about it. But-" The second he said but my entire body tensed. "He has proven, during finals of the sports festival, and during the award ceremony, that he is unable to control his temper. Perhaps the villains are brainwashing him as we speak-!"

Before I could think, I overcharged the big screen, discreetly and quickly moved a large amount of electricity from surrounding objects to it through power lines. It blacked out and I felt a new blister form on my neck. Fuck. Some citizens freaked out, wondering what happened to the TV.

"Y/n." Izuku whispered.

"... Sorry." I muttered.

"It's alright, let's just get out of here." Yao-Momo put her hand on my shoulder. I nodded and she led us away. The tracker led us to an average-looking warehouse. We stood by a vending machine, which was practically the only light source on the whole street.

"That's the villains' hideout? Not bad I guess." Kirishima muttered.

"Could be a good hideout, could be a bad hideout." Yao-Momo declared. "Apparently, the villain hasn't left here in over a day. And that's all we know. 1 villain is hiding here and that could be it. We're going into this operation completely blind for the most part. Please try to stay logical." She glanced at me last.

I put my hands up in defense. "I already said I was sorry." I signed nervously.

"... I don't like this." Iida spoke up. "None of us are good at sneaking around. We'd need Hagakure or Jiro... If I think things are going to be the least bit dangerous we're leaving."

"... Alright." Izuku nods. "Let's see what we can do here-" He begins muttering.

"Y'know I almost forgot how weird he was." Kirishima declared.

"Yep. This is peak Midoriya." Yao-Momo declared. I chuckled at them.

A few minutes later we all turned to face the vending machine, glancing at the warehouse from time to time. "There hasn't been any movement," Todoroki muttered.

"And there aren't any lights on- like no one's home." Kirishima declared.

"Yeah, and the weeds at the door are thick and untouched." Izuku began going on a mutter fest again.

"Hey!" I heard a male voice behind me.

"Heheheh!" Another male voice near Yao-Momo.

"You ladies lookin' for real men? Why don't you drop these losers and come drink with us?" The one behind me smiled brightly, his face a full red color.

"Ah no I'm good!" Yao-Momo declared as she stepped behind Iida and Izuku.

"Heheheh! Stop picking fights!" His friend smiled as he pointed at the male behind me.

"Hey, you talking to us!?" Izuku shouted.

"We're just scoundrels cruising for hot girls!" Iida shouted.

Todoroki began walking away. "Let's just leave." He stated.

"Yeah-" I was about to follow him when the man stepped in my way.

A//N: Man, the creepy fellas always find y'all don't they? You sexy motherfuckers <3✨Yeet✨

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