51 {Heheh, hey where}

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"Heheh, hey where ya goin' pretty lady?" The man smiled at me.

"Hey- leave her alone-" Denki tried to stand in between us but the look in my eyes held him back.

"I'll cut your dick off and use it as a trophy." I glared at the drunk man. He flinched and he and his friend left.

"..." Todoroki, Iida, Izuku, and Shoji stared at me in a disapproving silence.

"What?" I glanced at them.

"You didn't have to get violent." Izuku declared.

"They left, didn't they?" I asked. "Also, just playing the part," I stated, motioning to my outfit. They sighed.

"If you want to continue on this rescue mission then you need to stay on the low!" Iida struggled to contain his air chops. I crossed my arms.

"Y/n, please." Denki grabbed my arm gently, looking into my eyes with a puppy dog look. Kirishima clenched his jaw.

I glanced at Kirishima, wanting to know what his deal was- but then I took a deep breath. "Fine," I stated. "I'll try." I declared.

"Phew- thank you." He smiled in relief, releasing my arm.

"Now, we need to get closer so we can look inside." Izuku declared.

I then glanced over my shoulder, and my heart dropped. "... He's not here." I declared as I used my electric current vision.

"How do you know?" Shoji asked.

"... I don't really think or talk about it often- but everyone has different electric currents. I just scanned that place- top to bottom." I gulped.

"So- what's in there?" Shoji asked.

"There's 2 people- but..." I clenched my jaw. "It's filled to the brim with- nomu-"

"Is that so?" I heard Mt. Lady's voice behind me. I flinched and turned around. Behind me was Best Jeanist, Mt. Lady, Tiger from the wild wild pussycats, Gang Orca, and a large amount of police. "And how do you know that?" ... Was this all to bring us home?

"... I recognize you." Best Jeanist made eye contact with me. I sweat nervously. They didn't even know who we were at first- so we're not who they're after. "At first I didn't think it'd be you, since you were speaking, but- you're Bakugou's lady friend. Aren't you." 

"..." I held eye contact with him and nodded.

"I see you've done a better job of matching the color of your outfit to you." He nodded to me.

"What the- what is he talking about Y/n?" Izuku turned to me.

"During my internship with Gang Orca, I snuck away from my internship to visit Katsuki while he was with Best Jeanist on a patrol. Katsuki and I stood in an alley and hugged while telling each other about how our internships were going." I signed, explaining. "He told me my hero costume was unfashionable."

"Well, that's mean," Izuku muttered.

"I'm already lost-" Denki groaned.

"I'll tell you later." I signed. Shoji translated.

"With all that's going on, you kids should be home, resting!" Tiger nagged.

Gang Orca made eye contact with me. I couldn't tell if he was disappointed, or just trying to understand the situation. "So how do you know there are 2 people in there? And how many nomu?" Mt. Lady pestered me. I glared at her, but I understood where she was coming from. 

"I can tell because of my quirk. And at least-" I turn back to the warehouse and count. "At least 10-25." I declared.

"... What did she say?" She deadpanned as she looked at Best Jeanist.

"She said she can tell because of her quirk." Todoroki declared.

"And that there are at least 10-25," Yao-Momo added.

"That's quite the range." Mt. Lady pouted. "Why isn't it narrowed down?"

"Because their electric currents are wonky, and barely there. It's almost like they're the dead walking." I explained.

"What?" She looked between the group and Best Jeanist.

"So what you're saying is, you think the nomu aren't living beings?" Gang Orca asked me. I nodded. Mt. Lady looked to Best Jeanist with a confused face and he translated for her off to the side.

"Are you able to recognize one of the people?" Tiger asked. I could hear the worry in his voice. I looked to Gang Orca, looking for whether or not I should say. He nodded. 

"Why the hell won't she just talk? If she's got information it'd just be easier for her to say it instead of talking with her hands. And it wouldn't waste our time." Mt. Lady whispered to Best Jeanist off to the side. I tried to ignore her words- thinking I should be allowed to choose how I communicate.

"Ragdoll-" I stopped myself. And so I chose, to speak. "Ragdoll. She's inside." I whispered. Izuku glared at Mt. Lady, realizing her words pressured me into speaking. "Don't." I signed discreetly to him.

"We have to-" Tiger was about to charge.

"I think you'll need backup!" I interrupted him with a whisper yell- trying to get comfortable speaking in front of the heroes. "The second person- Their electric current is wonky as well. But not like a- about to die out wonky. Like a- I don't even know how to explain it." I shuddered. "It's- unsettling."

"... Well, we have to do something. We are heroes after all." Best Jeanist declared.

"You kids go back home and don't worry your pretty little heads, we'll save your friend." Mt. Lady tried to shoo us.

"... You're terrible with kids." I declared. She flinched and had a cross look on her face. "And as much as I'd love to point out how aggravated your mannerisms make me, I think I'd rather not stoop to a childish level." I declared. She looked ready to explode on me. "Also, Katsuki, if you didn't hear me before, isn't inside." 

"Why I outta-" Mt. Lady started.

"Thank you for your input Y/n." Gang Orca sat his hand on my shoulder, interrupting her. "Leave this to us. We will proceed with caution." 

"I-... I trust you Gang Orca. Be safe." I backed down. Gang Orca nodded.

".... How the fuck did he not die?" Denki whispered to Shoji. Shoji shrugged.

A//N: Ahh we love dead memes and trauma. Also, I LOVE YOU ALL YOU BEAUTIFUL BISHES!!!!✨Yeet

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