48 {Yao-Momo}

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"Yao-Momo." Kirishima declared.

My eyes widened as Izuku, Denki, Shoji, Todoroki, and I leaned forward. "What does she have to do with this?" I asked.

"During the attack, she was able to place a tracker on one of the nomu's. She made a device so that the police could track it."

"So you're saying we should have her make one for us?" Todoroki inquired.

"Exactly." Kirishima nodded.

"What if she refuses?" I tilted my head.

"She won't if you ask." He declared.

"Wait- what do you mean if I ask? Why are you speaking in italics?" I crossed my arms.

"Yao-Momo sees you as one of her closest friends. And if you ask her with your voice-" He began speaking with a suggestive tone.

"That's insensitive, you know!" Izuku declared. "There's a reason why Y/n didn't talk before and-"

"Izuku." I turned to face him. He flinched. "It's fine." He grumbled. "... I'll do it." I nodded. Truthfully, I'm really thankful to Yao-Momo. She went out of her way to start teaching the girls sign language, for me... I guess, I guess we are friends. I smiled softly at my thought.

"... You're scaring me." Izuku declared as he saw my smile.

"I'll punch you in your broke-ass arm," I smirked as I signed at him.

"Please don't." He smiled nervously.

"What did she say?" Denki asked Shoji.

"She threatened to punch him in the arm," Shoji answered.

"Ohhh okay." Denki nodded.

"I guess I'll go talk to Yao-Momo." I stood up and stretched.

"We'll be here." Izuku smiled at me. I nodded and stepped out of his hospital room. I walked down the hallway and saw the door was cracked open. I gently knocked on it.

"Come in!" I heard Yao-Momo's elegant voice. I opened the door and stepped inside to see she was alone. "Oh! Y/n! What brings you here?" She smiled at me.

"Hey Yao-Momo," I smiled at her. Her eyes widened slightly, but she didn't say anything. "I was coming to check on you." I walked up to the side of her bed. "I've been at Izuku's side since we got here, I haven't gone to check on the others yet." I sighed softly. "Mind if I sit?" I pointed at the foot of her bed.

"Not at all." She smiled softly. I sat down, my legs criss-crossed, and faced her.

"So, how's-?" I started.

"I'll help you." She declared, interrupting me.

"Do- what?" My eyes widened.

"You guys are going after Bakugou, correct?" She asked. I nodded. "Then count me in." She declared with a determined smile.

"I- Thank you, Yao-Momo." I smiled at her.

"No problem." She smiled back.

"How did you know that was what I was coming to ask you?" I tilted my head.

"You and the others aren't the quietest." She giggled. "I wouldn't be surprised if the whole floor heard you."

"Oh- Pft-" I started laughing. She laughed with me.

"You know, your voice... I was surprised when the others told me that you spoke before we all left camp." She finally brought it up. "I'm not sure what internal battles you face, but I'm glad you're healing." She smiled softly at me.

My eyes widened. "I-.... Yao-Momo, I love you, but I don't think I'm healing." I smiled nervously. She tilted her head then flinched.

"I'm sorry if I overstepped-!" She began to frantically apologize.

 "No no no! It's alright!" I reassured. "I just didn't want you to believe I'm healing when in reality, it's almost as if I've gotten worse." She gave me a confused look. I sighed and looked off to the side. "When I first started speaking again... It was because my fear of losing Katsuki, was greater than my fear of annoying people. It's like- seeing that villain take him- broke something inside of me." I explained.

"Oh- I had no idea." She frowned softly, her brown eyes looking on me with sympathy.

I smiled, bittersweet, as I looked back up at her. "Sorry for just venting on you... I wanted to make sure you knew exactly what had happened." I apologized.

"Please, don't apologize." She rested her hand on my knee. "I'm glad you trust me enough to open up like this."

"..." I looked between her hand and her face. "Yao-Momo... Can I hug you?" I asked.

"Of course." She nodded with a soft smile. I stood up beside her and hugged around her shoulders. She hugged around my waist and we stayed like that for a moment.

"... Now seriously, how does your head feel?" I asked. She laughed as we pulled away. 

"It's better than it was at camp." She smiled at me. I smiled back.

*Timeskip: After everyone is discharged from the hospital*

Shoji, Izuku, Denki, Kirishima, Todoroki, Momo, and I were all standing in front of the hospital "Well that took longer than I thought it would." Kirishima muttered as we stood in front of the hospital. It was now night time. Izuku was still wrapped in bandages, but he could move his arms now.

"Yeah well that's the thing with hospitals." I rolled my eyes as I signed.

"Y/nnnnnnn I can't tell what you're saying." Denki groaned.

"She's being a smart-alec." Izuku declared.

"Oh. That sounds accurate." Denki shrugged. I punched his arm. "Owwww what was that for?" He whined. I shrugged with a smirk. "You're mean." He stuck his tongue out at me. I stuck mine back out at him.

"I see you two are close." Kirishima declared with a slight defensive tone.

"We're two shocking idiots. Of course we're close." I laughed.

"Are we going after Bakugou or not?" Shoji asked.

"Right. Yao-Momo?" I turned to her.

"Way ahead of you!" She smiled as she pulled out the tracking device. "It looks like it's in Yokohama city!" She declared.

"Well then, let's go!" Izuku urged.

"Hold it!" We heard Iida's authoritative voice. I cringed internally. I turned to look at him coming up the sidewalk, looking very determined. 

"Are you about to try to stop us?" I asked with a twitch of my eyebrow. He stopped directly in front of me, standing slightly taller than me.

"I cannot allow you all to recklessly put your lives in danger." He declared. 

"Seriously- what did I tell you-?"

"So I will join you." He interrupted me.

A//N:  ᕙ[・۝・]ᕗ ✨ Yeet 

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