24 {I groaned as}

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I groaned as I sprinted. Then heard explosions. I looked to my right and saw Katsuki coming at me from the trees. "Fuck," I whispered as I added more electricity to my legs. He was slowly gaining on me and I was a good 500 feet away from the base. He was a good 50 from me. I quickly tapped into my ear piece and snapped out, "Katsuki's hot on my trail, I have the flag,"

"Alright I'm on my way Y/n, Kero!" I heard Tsu. I saw her get yeeted into the wall.

"Come to Katsuki Y/n," Katsuki said in a teasing voice as he was about 10 feet from me.

"Okay!" I smirked as I signed above my head and covered my entire body in massive amounts of electricity and stopped. He almost threw an explosion at me before Tsu hopped over me and wrapped her tongue around his arms, making sure to make his hands face himself.

"The hell frog face!?" Katsuki shouted as he kicked around.

"Thanks Tsu!" I signed.

"You're welcome," She nodded as I took off running. When I got there Shoji was knocked out and Jiro had our flag in hand.

"Oh! Hi Y/n!" She smiled, then it quivered. "Bye!" She shouted as she ran back towards her base. I rolled my eyes as I depleted the electricity, picked up Shoji, and laid their flag under his body before sitting him back down. When I ran after her she almost got me with a blast of her speakers. Then I tackled her, took the flag, and ran back to the base. I grabbed their flag and ours and put them in their stands.

"Group 1 wins," Aizawa stated.

"Yes!" I celebrated.

"DAMNIT!" I heard Katsuki shout as Tsu released him. Then my legs went numb. And I fell. I could hear footsteps coming my way and looked up to see Shoji.

"Hi," I smiled as I signed nervously. He chuckled.

"Did you overuse your quirk?" He asked as he picked me up bridal style and started to carry me to the exit. I nodded. Then I looked over his shoulder to see Tsu carrying the still knocked out Kaminari, Jiro walking with a sigh, and Katsuki damn near raging.

"Can you pass me over to Katsuki? I don't want him going ballistic on you," I signed. Shoji nodded. He turned around and walked straight to Katsuki.

"Here Bakugou," He passed me off to Katsuki. Katsuki had a shocked expression until Shoji turned to Tsu. "I can carry Kaminari for you," He took Kaminari from her as she nodded. Katsuki shook off the shocked look and it was replaced by a angry pout.

"We kicked your ass," I giggled as I signed.

"No need to fucking rub it in," He growled quietly.

"Yes. The need is there," I nodded.

"Oh yeah?" He raised an eyebrow. "And the need to drop you flat on your ass is there," He jokingly dropped me before catching me. I jolted as my stomach did a flip.

"Katsuki!" I glared at him. He smirked. I puffed and crossed my arms as we made it into the monitor room.

"What did Bakugou's group do wrong?" Aizawa asked.

"They LeFt me To DefEnD tHe FlaG oN mY oWn wHen ThEy kNeW Y/n wAs PlaNNinG oN SoLoiNg iT! AnD tHeY knEw tHat sHe CoUlD aBsoRb ElEcTriCiTy!" Half asleep short circuit Kaminari shouted.

"Okay and what did Shoji's group do wrong?" He asked.

"I didn't take my opponent's strength into consideration and allowed myself to get knocked out," Shoji stated.

"I overused my quirk and my legs are numb!" I beamed as I signed.

"Dumbass," Katsuki rolled his eyes. I slightly elbowed his chest and he smirked at me.

"Alright you are all free to go change and go home," Aizawa sighed.

"Bakugou let me take Y/n since you can't go on the girls locker room, kero," Tsu suggested. He didn't like the idea but knew he had to. He handed me to her and she used her tongue to easily carry me. "I hope this doesn't make you uncomfortable Y/n,"

"It doesn't," I signed before waving at Katsuki as she walked back to the girls locker room.

"Can you change on your own or do you need help?" Mina asked with a worried face.

"I can change on my own," I signed. Tsu translated.

"Okay but clap if you need help!" She beamed. I nodded as Tsu held me up to my locker. I grabbed my uniform and she sat me behind a curtain. I quickly changed back into my school uniform and tried to stand when I was done, but fell face first on the floor.

"Are you okay!?" Momo asked. I nodded. She helped me up and wrapped my arm over her shoulder.

"Thank you," I signed with a smile.

"You're welcome!" She smiled as Mina got my other arm around her shoulder.

"Off to class we go!" Toru beamed.

"Y/n protection squad assemble!" Ochaco smiled as the girls formed a rectangle around me.
Ochaco          Tsu

Mina    Y/n    Momo

Toru               Jiro

"Forward! March!" Jiro laughed as they started walking. I laughed a little as they carried me to the classroom. They sat me down at my desk and I nearly fell back out because I was trying so hard not to laugh.

"The hell are you guys doing?" Katsuki raised a brow at them. They just giggled and went to gather their things.

"Hey Katsuki!" I leaned back to look at him.

"Hey what?" He asked as he cupped my cheeks with his hands.

"Where's my brother?" I asked.

"He went home already," He answered.

"Oh, so you want to come over for dinner?" I asked.

"The hag wants you to come over for dinner," He answered.

"That sounds fun!" I smiled. He chuckled as he stood up.

"Piggy back ride or piggy front right?" He asked.

"How bout shoulders!" I signed.

Katsuki Bakugou X Reader {The mute twin of Izuku}Where stories live. Discover now