Chapter 38

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Marinette's P.O.V.

After Jon got into the car with Alfred, the two Parisians then made their way to Marinette's hotel room, the second they got into her room she dialed Chloe's number.

"Do you have any idea how LONG WE'VE BEEN TRYING TO GET A HOLD OF YOU? Are you INSANE! I swear if we didn't have the Gotham News on our phones we wouldn't know! WHAT THE HELL NETTIE!" Chloe was exclaiming.

"Chlo, you gotta chill out." Alix reprimanded.

"Like unimportant things like being quiet matter! If people want to sleep thats their own fault!"

"It's well past midnight." Kagami said.

"Marinette got hounded by paparazzi! She's everywhere! She's gonna have a fan club or something! How could she do that without me!" Chloe exclaimed, Marinette heard Alix and Kagami hit their forheads. Marinette then went on to go over everything she could remember in detail, the trio of girls soon had to go to bed but said heartfelt goodbyes.

"See you soon, don't do anything else too exciting!" Chloe teased as a final goodbye before ending the call.

"I swear, I'm not gonna make it through this trip!" Marinette said as she flopped on the bed.

"Hey, look on the brightside! Its not like it could get any worse." Marinette's phone rang, it was her parents.


"I stand corrected." Kim said as she swiped her screen to accept the call.

"Maman! Papa! Whats up? Isn't it late in Paris right now?" Marinette said trying to sound normal.

"Nadia just send me the weirdest article, it has a video of a little girl talking about you. And the article attatched says that you're DATING A WAYNE!" Sabine Cheng suddenly exclaimed.

"OH! Y-yeah a-a-about that..."

"Explain. Now. I honestly can't believe you!" Sabine continued, Marinette was worried that her Mother was upset and would be akumatized.

"Maman, I know your probably upse-"

"UPSET! You think I'm UPSET?"

"Sabine, calm down." Tom tried to reign his wife in.

"No, I will not calm down! YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" Sabine suddenly squealed, "Oh Honey! It's about time! But I'm so happy you found someone you like! I know you should have told us but I can't be mad! You have a boyfriend! And a handsome one at that! I want to know EVERYTHING! From how you met to what happened (don't think you have a chance of getting out of that one)."

"What?" Marinette said utterly dumbfounded.

"Oh, Marinette, we're not mad. We're happy for you, your such an amazing girl you deserve to be happy. I do want to meet him though." Tom said explaining with a smile, not that Marinette could see it. At that Marinette started from the beginning telling them everything she could (excluding the whole superhero thing and the sleepovers, making the excuse of visiting very often because of his sweet niece). When Marinette finished her parents congratulated her excitedly before giving themselves a moment to calm down.

"Oh that poor girl, is she doing all right? You made something to make her feel better right?"

"Of course, Papa! You taught me well, we made brownies and cinnamon doughnuts for the officers that stayed to keep the press back but we made enough for everyone, which reminds me!" Marinette took her brownie and doughnut from her bag and gave it to Kim.

"Your the best, Nettie!"

"I know." Was her smirking response, Kim just rolled his eyes.

"So you really like him?" Sabine asked sincerely.

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