Chapter 3

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Damian's P.O.V.

Damian Wayne was not one for the often counterproductive or downright boring meetings he now had to endure as the blood son and heir to billionaire Bruce Wayne but for once the meeting was coming to a close far too quickly.

As one of the department heads continued to drone monotonously about some inconsequential detail the youngest Wayne thought about the upcoming exams he had to prepare for. Damian had graduated Gotham Academy early, at the age of 15, and was now 17, a student at Gotham University studying business and law as a sophomore. Damian began to help his father and brothers with their responsibilities at WE to prepare him for when he graduated from college and continued his father's legacy.

Why, you might ask, is Damian Wayne concerned about something as trivial as exams? He was a trained assassin, he is a vigilante, he's Robin. Besides, his mother taught him the material when he was 8. The young Wayne knew he would be able to do well on the test without reviewing but he needed to maintain the level of academic excellence that was expected, and that required a certain amount of preparation.

Noticing that the department heads were finishing up and discussing the final details of the project, Damian glanced at the watch and saw that the clock read 10:57. He had no classes for the day, thankfully because of some silly job fair. Damian mentally outlined a simple study schedule to follow before going out for his nightly... extracurricular activities.

Once the meeting finished many of the employees quickly left to inform their subordinates of the information regarding their respective departments. Damian swiftly closed his notebook filled with detailed minutes of the meeting's events and walked out of the room, closing the large metal door behind him with a solid "click".

After the door shut Damian became aware that there was someone else at the end of the hallway looking at him, once Damian locked the door he turned around and jade met cobalt.

The only word that could describe her eyes at that moment was devastating

The calm bluebells swirled enticingly, almost daring him to challenge them. The cerulean pools were disciplined but had a twinkle of mischief. They could not be compared to precious stones or flowers but they were startlingly vivid. They held an air of... pride? No, dignity or was it confidence?- Whatever it was, it was a spark within the eyes that made his body move without his consent. He took a few steps forward still staring at the doe-like eyes that were gazing back at him just as intensely.

Damian also took notice of the person whose eyes still had him just as entranced as when he first saw them. She had silky midnight hair that was tied up but had some fly-aways that framed her blemish-free face and porcelain skin. She had cheeks that seemed naturally rosy until they suddenly blushed scarlet. She was naturally petite and from what he could tell with her sitting, she was two heads shorter than him. Her figure was thin but defined- Damian will deny checking her out until the day he dies.

Of course, he also took notice of how the girl held herself with poise and grace, which gave the girl a self-assured but humble countenance. The small natural smile that adorned her face was colored in a pale rose that complimented the rest of her features exquisitely.

The girl also seemed to be analyzing him with a similar level of intrigue but soon realized something and began to ramble.

"U-um- excusez-moi, J'attendias j-juste m-ma classe, j-" Before she could continue she stopped suddenly and switched to English, "Oh- I-I'm so sorry I was w-waiting f-for my class but I think I'm lost? But- OH! look at you, or um- n-not look at you but, um not that you don't look good because you are agk DO but um..., sorry you look busy not that your looks have anything to do with- agh, sorry." The girl finished quickly and then flushed again apologizing in the most adorable- in a french accent.

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