Chapter 5

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** Light cursing toward the end! (There will be occasional cursing throughout the story)

Damian's P.O.V.

"Hey, Baby Bird! Whats- Oh. My. Disney. Is that? Shoot! I owe Jason 50 bucks." Damian was quick to snap back.

"tt, Grayson, you are not wanted here. Go bother someone else."

"HA! As if, Little D, wait till Tim finds out he lost to Jason to."

"I mean it, Grayson, unless you want your wife to widow young, Get. Lost."

"Not a chance, I wanna meet your date! She's the same girl that you walked out the other day right? Oh, my apologies, my name is Dick, I'm Damian's oldest (and favorite) brother." Marinette froze Damian was puzzled as to why until it clicked for him, Dick had called her his date. Marinette then flushed, in Damian's opinion, a brilliant rouge as she fiddled with her hands.

Marinette was able to recover before things got awkward, saying, "N-nice to meet you too, Dick was it? My name is Marinette, Marinette Dupain-Cheng." While going for a polite handshake, looking at the ground still embarrassed.

Dick began light conversation while Damian grumbled about nosy brothers and exacting revenge with his sharpest katana. At that last comment, Marinette looked questioningly at him and asked,

"What was that about a katana?" Both boys' heads seemed to snap up at the realization that she had understood what he had said. Marinette looked confused until she realized that Damian had not spoken in English or French, he had been mumbling in mandarin.

"Oh-oh I'm sorry, you probably didn't mean for me to hear that. I-I um- Sorry." The noirette finished while bowing her head in apology.

Dick seemed to recover first, "Oh, it's alright, and no need to apologize. Damian just likes to make threats like that when his other brothers and I bother him, he's a fan of martial arts (you know sparring) and sword fighting so he uses that to try and scare us. Right, Baby Bird?"

Damian was quick to snap out of his reverie (and though he would never admit it, all he was thinking about was how her being so multilingual made her that much more attractive) and went along with his oldest brother's story,

"Yes, my apologies it was rude of me to make such comments especially when I assumed you couldn't understand me. You speak Mandarin?"

"I-its okay, and yeah. Master Fu, a nice old man with a massage shop in Paris, he taught me so I could surprise my Maman. You should have seen her face the first time I spoke to her, she didn't even notice!  I guess it was because I had a decent accent, but after a moment or two she realized we were speaking mandarin and fell off her chair!" Marinette finished with a small laugh and smile.

"So, you're fluent in English, French, and mandarin?" Dick asked with an impressed face.

"Well, my friend Kim is teaching me Vietnamese but right now my understanding is very rudimentary. What about you Damian, do you have any other languages under your belt?"

"A few, though not Vietnamese." Dick snorted at that.

"A few? Baby Bird, don't be so modest! He can speak, English, Arabic, French, mandarin, Urdu, and  Russian." Dick began listing while counting with his fingers, "And those are the only the ones he's fluent in! He's nearly mastered Spanish, German, Romanian-" before Dick could continue to embarrass his youngest brother Damian interrupted

"tt, Grayson, I find which languages I speak to be entirely irrelevant, that is not what she asked."

"COOL!" The two brothers snapped their heads up again (Damian was glaring at Dick while the latter was smirking) at the sudden exclamation.

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