Dear Mirror

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Dear Mirror,

I didn't know when I looked at you I saw myself. I didn't see me in you. Who is this scared little girl looking back at me? Where has my confidence gone?

Dear Mirror,

Why are you so cruel? Why do you throw insults at my looks? I didn't know I needed a new mirror. I thought you were supposed to help me feel beautiful. Why do you only point out my flaws?

Dear Mirror,

I wish I didn't tear up every time I looked at you. I wish you would stop bullying me. I never wanted to be alone with you. I never asked for the demon that you are. Why do you hate me?

Dear Mirror,

I took you out of my room because I was tired of looking at you. Now the only time I see you, is when I get out of the shower. The only time I use you is when you're compact and only focus on one aspect of me. The only time I need you is to put paint on my face to make me feel beautiful. It never works...

Dear Mirror,

I want you to stop criticizing every piece of me. I want to stop looking at you the way you make me feel. I wish I could get rid of you completely. But then I would see you in a dream. I would ask why you left me too. I would beg you to come back like I did everyone else.

Dear Mirror,

Your vanity scares me. I could never face you with confidence. For a second I thought you loved me. I hate you, mirror. Or do I just hate me? I lose to you every time.

Dear Mirror,

Forgive me. I didn't mean to get angry and break you. Please don't leave me. I'll glue you back I promise. I'll buy hundreds of you. I'll place you on every wall in my house. Please come back. I don't need 7 more years of bad luck.

Dear Mirror,
I'm sorry.

The girl who broke herself.

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