Clouds of life

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In a gloomy day, we see its faults.
In a sunny day, we see its perks.
But even though all you see are clouds you don't wait for what's coming next...rain. You wait for it to be gone so you see the rainbow instead. But I find beauty in the rain. The way it drops down on my face. The way it feels like it's just washed all my cares and worries away. The way it smells fresh. The sounds in the pitter patter of droplets. The images before the storm. The images after. And everything in between. I see beauty in the rain. Just as I see beauty in all of you in pain reading this. I know what your thinking: 'She don't know anything, she don't know me or what I've gone through.' Your right I don't. But I know you're here for help and answers. Listen when I tell you I've gone through so much in the rain. And I just want my own rainbow after. But life isn't like that. Rather, it's complicated.
In every batch of clouds, there is a storm inside them just waiting to be brought out. In every person, there is the same. We can hide our thoughts and mask our emotions, but one day we will crack and all of our secrets will come out like a tidal wave of fear. Fear for who has heard them and fear for who will tell them. But there will always be that one who has heard them and will help you through the clouds of life.

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