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Don't ask me why but I hate the color Pink.
It's never been my favorite color on the color wheel.
It feels played out.
It's practically fake.
How can something so bright and vibrant make me want to gag?
I've never loved this color.
Not from being a child to now not ever.
I love purple.
Always have.
But pink is just so common for girls.
The standard color for a girl is set to pink.
It's been this way for generations.
Millennial Pink color of the year.
It's stereotypical for the world to look at a woman and say, "I bet she loves pink."
I bet you love it when I tell you I hate pink after you bought me that shirt I'll never wear.
Or the shoes.
Or the dress.
Pink makes me mad almost.
It's like assuming I'm wrong about something after googling it to find out I'm right and still saying no it's this way.
How can you afford to make shit up?
Pink is the standard lie a girl tells a boy when asked anything.
They believe it too.
How is it that when in mention of a woman pink becomes involved somehow? Why not blue? Or green? Yellow even? Give girls a color we actually love.

Give us something to love.

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