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Plump and soft,
Oval or round,
Pink or tan,
Thin and blemished,

They change with every motion,
Yet sit still,
Mouth the words
Or scream the verse.

I can taste you,
I can feel you,
I can hear you,
I can see you.

All because of your lips
I can't forget,
Layers will change
But feelings won't.

I need this.
Smash them to mine,
Lick and bite,
I need your time.

Remind me how to feel.
I'm numb to your voice,
This pain, it's real.
I hate this choice.

Kiss me.
Your lips are mine.
I need the after taste,
Your long lust of need.

Slow and steady.
Quick and easy.
Help me feel,
Again and again.

More I need more.
I'm desperately waiting for you,
Longing for your lips,
Just crush my lips with yours.

Pull mine with your teeth,
Taste me with your tongue,
Hold my head still,
Don't pull away again.

Just stop,
Don't stop...
I changed my mind again.

Kiss me harder.
I can feel the love,
Now its been 5 minutes.
But I need hours, days, years.

I just need you,
All of you.
But I need your lips now.
Closer, hold me closer.

Go slow.
Speed up,
No, hold it.

I'll still taste you hours later.
But I've been home for a while.
Those 10 minutes where memorizing.

My lips are big,
I can feel my heartbeat in them.
I can feel you in them.
I needed to feel.

I've been numb for days.
I still can't feel.
I could feel you,
But I couldn't feel back.

I couldn't love you the same.
I could not reciprocate your urgency to kiss me.
I couldn't believe you loved my lips.
Just my lips.

Lost in the moment,
I played along.
I hurt myself again.
I fucked up.

I won't forget,
The aggressiveness in the kiss.
Or the way you pulled my lip.
Or the urgency in it.

Just do it again.
It felt real.
I felt sick,
But it worked.

It was rightfully wrong,
Or wrongfully right.
But it felt good.
For the moment.

Just please don't tell.
I don't want a fuss.
We don't even fully understand the thought in the kiss.
Just that the moment felt right.

This may lead nowhere,
I'm afraid.
But I felt you in a new light.
And now I know.

Not to play a man by his ambitions,
But by his affections.
Because a kiss tells more about your history,
Then a mere story of your love.

He was urgent,
Lust filled,
And yet sweet and savory.

He was mine for a day.
But I pushed him away almost immediately.
I'm still numb but I want a rumination.
Another chance to feel.

To kiss his lips.
There are two sides to every story.
Why now do you tell?
What's your story?

Tell me again, in a kiss.
With your lips narrating against mine.
A story of how this came to be.
Because I need an explanation.

A reason to love again,
Even if I'm to love another broken man.
Because two broken lips slur their speech.
And I don't want to constantly question again.

If your lips tell a lie,
I don't want to break mine again.
I don't want to slur again.
Fake smile while my lips scream sadness.

Don't hurt me, like he did,
Don't make my lips wait again.
Kiss me,

Just kiss me

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