An Empty Stroller At Night

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Children. Big or small. Short or tall. We try to love them all. But we sometimes forget that all children need love and that not just one child needs most of the attention. "He's such a calm kid," they say. But once they leave he acts as if all toys belong to him. "She's such a sweetheart," they will add. But do they know once they are gone the wall's will be written on. Not all kids are good. Not all kids are bad. It's not their fault sometimes. Its the parents that don't know how to act for their kids. Sometimes it may be the parents' fault. Other times it may just be something happening at school the parents don't know about. Sometimes it's not the parents' fault. Sometimes it's the bullies fault. Things should be taught at school that aren't taught at home. Things should be taught at home that aren't taught at school. It's not just one side of the problem, it's both sides. Take a divorce or a break up that involves a child. One parent may be more fitted to take care of the child's financial needs but the other may be more fitted for the child's social needs. You need both sides to help the child develop just like it takes two to make a child it's not just one person that does it. But please take care of them. They may have been your blessing but they will never be your mistake. All children, all parents, we all have a purpose. Each life lost is another life's birth. Own up to your actions. Forget what was said and done it's happened now embrace it. Keep your children safe and other children as well. Not everyone is fit for the job but all should own up to the safety of a child whether it's yours or not. I'm only 15 so I don't have any kids but I know I could make a great mother if it happened. Everyone needs to be able to handle a child no matter the circumstances. Because it may happen to you or someone you know. We are all blessings. Not mistakes. No matter what people say your a beautiful gift of life.

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