Do you even love me?

27 1 5

It seems like we fight all the time now... We never really make up anymore we kinda just truce and brush it off... We get upset for a minute and blame each other. I don't know when it started happening... Was it before or after we did the thing? I don't know anymore... I've loved you since day one but is it going to be the same? Has it been the same since then? The arguing and bickering and plain old getting upset and over what? Basically nothing? I feel like I've instigated most or all of the arguments but I just didn't understand at the time. I didn't mean to fight I was just asking questions. I just wanted to know why. Why my life was such a lie. Why my sister chose drugs over family. Why my uncle hits my mother. Why my mother drinks. Why my grandma pops pills the same way she sips coffee. Why my brother has anger issues. Why my baby sister has no clue. I'm dying to know the truth. My therapist up and left me I don't want you to. I want to leave as well but I cant leave you. I'm sorry.

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