Old Friends

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Dear Ex-Friends,

I'm sorry for my insecurities that lead to our ending friendship. I'm sorry for the way I acted that lead to the death of us. I wish I could take back what I said. I wish I could talk to you like I did before. I miss us. Our long talks about life and people. I miss your laugh, smile, kindness. I honestly don't remember how we ended up this way. They said friends were forever. But forever didn't last as long as I had hoped. I had hoped we would grow old together. Our children best friends like us. We would have houses connected by tunnels underground. We would go out to brunch every Tuesday. Our kids would go to the same school. We had plans for our forever. You and me, best friend... Ex-best friend. Ex. Best. Friend. We were the peanut butter and jelly and now we are just the plain bread from two different loaves. We laughed about the dumbest things. Had inside jokes to last decades. Now I can't even remember your middle name. When's your birthday again? I still sometimes like your photos on social media. Scroll your news feed to see how you're doing. But I still can't remember your favorite color. Do you remember mine? If we became friends again, do I have to relearn everything about you? Would it still be the same? How much have we really changed since we last spoke? Would I still know you the same? I can't help but ponder if you miss me too... Probably not considering our predicament. But I still hope you could need me sometimes. I hope you think of me now and then. Do you stalk my social media too? I wonder how your parents are, your siblings, if you still plan on going to the college we talked about. I wish we talked again.

Your Ex-Best Friend

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