Chapter 21 : You could've called me Hurricane Brooke

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Chapter 21 : You could've called me Hurricane Brooke.

Hayden's POV

I was watching.

I knew she wouldn't come.

But I still sat watching.

She was like a tornado. She just came into my life and swept it all up, and when it settled the aftermath was better than before. I was addicted to her and it was unhealthy, for me, for my friends and for my family, but all unhealthy things are the best. Chocolate, pizza, takeaways and Brooke. That's why I was sat here at her party, waiting for a girl I knew was on the other side of the world seeing her long term boyfriend.

That hurt.

I shook of another girl who was stroking my arm like I was her pet chihuahua and rubbed my eyes. Something was seriously wrong with me. Before I would have a new girl every night, I'd drink until the sun came up at these parties and wouldn't rest all night. And now, now that she had arrived, I was sat at a party, drinking a bottle of water and ignoring the girls around me that were literally throwing themselves at me.

My player ways had set sail on the titanic, never to be seen again.

People tried to talk to me but for some reason my eyes wouldn't leave the door. It was as if I was expecting her to just walk through it and my crazy self couldn't get that idea out of my head.

"Ey up, mate."

I turned to see Aaron sitting next to me. He was beaming at me and by the multiple different coloured lipstick stains on his neck I could tell he was having a good night.

"Hey, you do know you're parading around with lipstick on you like a model from a baby lips advert, right?" I asked, mustering up a smile.

Aaron shrugged," I like to keep them on, they're like battle scars of what I've conquered in one night?"

"How many?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him.

"A gentleman never tells," he smirked at me, leaning back and crossing his legs.

I scoffed at him, shaking my head," we all know you are not a gentleman."

"Alright, you got me, 5 so far and aiming for another 3 before the end of the night," he said, punching my shoulder.

I laughed at him, shaking my head, there used to be a time when I was like that, sleeping around like no ones business, but now it just didn't appeal to me anymore.

"Come play beer pong with us," he said, gesturing his head to where some guys were standing around a beer pong table.

I looked at the door again, I knew she wasn't going to arrive and I was ruining Aaron's party by sitting here.

"Go on then," I said nudging Aaron's shoulder with my own. Aaron stood up and began walking through the crowded room, I followed suit, glancing at the door for a final time.

And what I saw made my heart beat just that much faster, she was here.

Brooke's POV

I didn't want to be at home.

I didn't want my dad to go into overprotective father mode.

I didn't want to have to explain to my brothers what happened.

I wanted to forget it all. The hurt, the pain and the heartbreak. I wanted to incinerate the moments I shared with him, he was just a fake. I wanted to forget his face for one night and just be me, before all this drama that seemed to be just a doorstep away.

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