Chapter 18 : He had a 5 year old beautician as a friend.

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Chapter 18 : He had a 5 year old beautician as a friend.

My weekend of rest passed too fast and before I knew it I was back at school.

To say I was looking forward to it would be the exaggeration of the century.

Sophie had informed me that I was, yet again, the centre of the rumour wheel. After I had lost consciousness at the party, most people attending had watched the fight going on until the boys had been split up. The party then proceeded to end early, much to the dismay of everyone there, so that I could be taken to the hospital.

Why couldn't the party carry on whilst I was taken to the hospital?

Well, I'm sure people will supply me with an array of answers in school today. As I approach the entrance to school Hayden materialises next to me. His arm slings over my shoulders, his finger teasing with the hair on the nape of my neck. After our episode at the hospital I'm not sure where I stood with Hayden, one thing I did know though, was that it could not happen again.

I'm not sure I'd be able to survive that.

"Hey babe, how are you feeling today?"

Was he seriously asking me that.

"Well, apart from the concussion and the fact I have to face the person who caused my concussion I'm feeling great," I replied.

Expecting Hayden to laugh, I was surprised when his whole body tensed up and his hand tightened around my neck. I looked at Hayden and he offered me a weak smile, his fists were clenched and his jaw was ticking. He was angry.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing," he lied, his body still tensed up.

"Yeah, okay," I said sarcastically.

Hayden stopped suddenly, pulling me to a halt. He twisted me around so I was facing him and cupped my face in his hands. My heart instantly began to beat faster and the only thing I could think was about how his lips felt on mine. His eyes gazed into mine, a look of anger and determination in them.

"Stay away from him, Brooke, please, promise me you will," he pleaded.

"Why should I when I know Reuben will say the exact same thing to me about you?" I questioned. These boys were unbelievable, they were so overprotective.

Hayden sighed in reply, looking around for something, I don't think he knew what before looking back to me, anger evident in his eyes. His hands moved from my cheeks, sliding down my neck onto my shoulders. The action made goosebumps erupt on my skin but I ignored it completely, too captivated by the stormy orbs staring into my own.

"He's bad for you, Brooke, I don't trust him, he'll plague your mind with bad things about me and then you won't talk to me, I don't think," his voice cracked slightly," I don't think I could live with that."

My heart broke at the sight of him before me looking so weak and heartbroken. He looked like a little boy who had just been told he couldn't have the toy train he wanted and to be honest, it showed me the other side to Hayden in broad daylight. The side that plays with his little brother and sister and protects his friends, not the one that breaks girls hearts in a night and can only ever think about whether he was getting any tonight. It made me think whether he would actually settle down for me.

Wait ... what on earth am I thinking.

I nodded slowly, "okay, I'll stay away from him," I said to Hayden, I could always speak to Reuben about the party when Hayden wasn't there, he wouldn't know.

Hayden smiled a relieved smile, "thank you," he whispered, before pulling me closer and kissing my forehead gently. He slung his arm back over my shoulder, walking me to my first class, squeezing my hand at the door before walking off down the hall where I could see the heads of his friends.

All for a reasonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang