Chapter 11 : You're just so damn irresistible

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Chapter 11 : You're just so damn irresistible

The rest of my week passed uneventfully and, thankfully, neither Hayden nor I were caught out by our little skiving stunt. People suspected. My 'I'm not feeling well' lie hadn't been accepted and was thrown in the rubbish when both my friends and Hayden's friends saw we were both missing at lunchtime.

Just what I needed.

By the time Friday lunch was rolled by, laughter and the buzz of excited chatter filled the air. I entered the cafeteria with Toby by my side as we talked about our plans for the weekend and the general annoyance that was homework.

"Do you want to come round to mine tomorrow, we can complete that English project you've been bugging me about for ages?" Toby asked as we made our way to the long line to Foodville.

I mock gasped," I have not been bugging you, I merely want to make a good first impression for my teachers," I responded to him hitting his arm playfully.

"How's that plan going for you," he said, then raising his voice, "after you skipped school on Monday with Hayden?" Heads nearby turned towards us and I ducked behind Toby, hitting him in the back a few times whilst he just chuckled.

"I don't know, don't you have girls to visit on Saturday?" I joked, thinking about the number of girls I'd seen Toby with over the past few weeks.

"Babe, you come before all those girls," he said, placing a hand over his heart, faking hurt. I laughed at his pouty faced and turned to the food in front of me before going to pay for my food, Toby close behind me.

"Come eat with us," Toby suggested as I turned to the table where Sophie and Reuben were sitting alone, making out, "nobody likes being the third wheel," he said quietly, in his best persuasive voice.

"You just can't seem to get enough of me can you, you want to spend Saturday with me and now lunchtime too," I joked confidently.

"Maybe it's because you're just so damn irresistible."

I jumped in surprise from the low, smooth voice in my ear. Toby was laughing loudly while I told my heart to calm down. I could feel Hayden practically on my back, his body pressing into mine. I didn't give him the satisfaction of seeing his face just sending him an elbow in the stomach.

Which he caught easily, might I add.

One of his large hands was on my elbow whilst the other was placed on my shoulder as he whirled me around to face him. He took my tray and placed on the table behind him, which happened to be an on looking table of freshman boys who looked both shocked and a little scared at the show before them. With the tray out of the way, Hayden was able to place a hand on the small of my back, pulling me closer to him so that my chest was pressed to his and one of my feet in between his. My breathing faltered, the images of what happened in the diner flying back into my head.

We stood like that for what felt like several minutes, Hayden's deep blue eyes staring into my own. I wanted to look away, I did, but I couldn't. Toby was the one that ended the moment, clapping his hands to get our attention and grabbing my tray from the table of stunned boys. I took a several steps back away from Hayden, grabbing my tray of Toby and looking directly at Hayden.

"You just can't seem to help yourself, can you?" I exclaimed, before twirling on my heel and walking through the silent cafeteria to the table where Aaron, Mason and Elliott were already seated. All the eyes in the cafeteria were on me as I started to eat my food. Sensing my discomfort, Aaron stood up on the table, whistling loudly before shouting, "shows over go back to eating your food now."

The chatter started almost immediately and as Aaron hopped down of the table Toby and Hayden arrived at our table, one sitting either side of me.

"Thanks Aaron," I said.

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