Chapter 19 : He was moving those hips like Elvis Presley

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Longer chapter this week! Can't wait to start writing chapter 20 but this was a lot of fun to write as well. The media alongside goes with this chapter, watch it first or watch it after you've read the chapter, it's up to you. Remember to vote and comment. Enjoy!

Chapter 19 : He was moving those hips like Elvis Presley

The countdown to my birthday passed quickly and before I knew it the sun was peeking through my curtains on the 16th February, summoning me from my sleep induced haze. My parents had already gone to work by the time I had woken up, like most weekdays, but they had left me a note on the kitchen counter wishing me a happy birthday and promising me my presents when I got home from school. I never really liked birthdays, I didn't like being the centre of attention and this year would be no different.

I sent a text to Aaron wishing him a happy birthday and replying to a few other texts from my other friends. My heart fell a little at the fact that neither Hayden nor Cameron had sent me a text but I ignored the feeling. It was still early.

I left the house quickly after finishing my breakfast, looking forward to getting to school and spending my birthday with some of the best friends I'd ever had in my whole life.

Cheesy, I know, but that's the truth.

I walked to school slowly, taking in the silence and the sun's rays that warmed my skin, giving me my daily dosage of vitamin d. Too soon did I hear the chatter of teenagers, alerting me that I was approaching the school. I walked into the school alone, keeping my head down and heading straight to my locker, where there seemed to be a huge crowd of people waiting.

Maybe not a huge crowd but that's what it was like for me.

Sophie spotted me first, letting out a high pitched squeal, alarming the others that I was near. In Sophie's hand was a sky blue gift bag with a balloon attached to the handles with the large number 18 decorating it. I reached my locker and Sophie's arm flew around me, squeezing me tight.

"Happy birthday, babe," she squealed. I smiled into her shoulder, I'd only been here for 5 minutes and it was already the best birthday I'd ever had.

What is it with me and the 'best things I'd ever had' speeches today.

Sophie's arms were still wrapped tightly around me like a boa constrictor 5 minutes later and my lungs were starting to feel the affects of it.

"Can't ... breath," I gasped out. Sophie immediately pulled away and smiled apologetically.

"We bought you a present," she said, pushing the bag into my face, "we put money together to buy you something we think you'll like." My heart warmed at the fact that they had planned out my gift and the grin on my face made me like an open book to the people surrounding me.

"Open it," Harriett said eagerly. I looked around the circle, Sophie, Reuben standing next to her, Charlotte, Finlay, Jeremy, Chloe and finally Harriett, all looking at me expectantly. I carefully picked up the box shaped present from the bottom of the bag and slowly unwrapped it. When I was left with just the box in my hand my eyes widened.

How had they known exactly what I wanted?

On the front of the box was a picture of a light blue polaroid camera, something that I'd been dying to own for literally ages but my parents wouldn't let me have one.

"Thank you so much, I've been wanting one of these for ages," I said, somehow pulling all 7 of them into a hug.

"Group hug," a recognisable voice shouted before tan arms wrapped around my stomach, lifting me in the air and out of our group hug.

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