chapter 22

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Next day lucy pov.
I sat on the couch wiping my eyes as i finished another episode of greys anatomy. Derek died who was so freaking hot and he just died leaving me all alone to raise his kids. Meredith well she stole my husband.
I blew my nose as i cried even harder.
"hey blondie whats the matter" my supposed husband asked.
"my husband died" i said burrying my face into the crook of his neck.
"should i be comforting you if you have fallen for another man" he asked as i laughed.
"no silly i could ever only love your mean ass" i said as he chuckled kissing me.
"wanna teach the kids how to swim" he asked as i nodded.
"they cant even walk how are they going to swim" i asked. As he chuckled.
"swimming will strengthen their legs giving them more power to walk now come on" he said picking me up as we headed upstairs changing into our bathing suits. I picked up luke as laxus got lea.
We allowed them to paddle in the water just watching.
"too bad were stopping at three"he suddenly said as i signed.
"laxus i want to make as many babies as i can with you but the simple fact is i cant. I went to the doctor and found out that if i have This baby my survival rate is 25 percent because of my heart" i said as he looked at me confused.
" i could die while giving birth turns out getting kicked in the gut tends to have long term effects thats another reason im not taking the more physical career path" i said as he looked down his eyes watering.
"laxus look at me" i commanded as he stayed head down.
"laxus dreyar" i said as he looked at me.
"its gonna be ok your strong and an amazing dad thats why if something goes wrong during the pregnancy i want you to make sure they prioritize the baby over me" i told him as he looked up at me like i was crazy.
"lucy you cant be serious thats crazy these kids cant grow up without a mother" he said as i looked at him.
"then remarry make sure they fo-" i was cut off when he kissed me pulling away.
"im not remarrying and their not going to forget the most important woman in my life you hear me this idea of yours is stupid lucy see im using you name meaning im serious you cant die on me there is so much i want to do and see with you so stop talking crazy their going to save you and our baby" he said eyes wide in denial.
"Laxus i still have 6 months and plus 25 seems to be a good number for survival but if i do have complications and you choose me over the baby here is whst going to happen. Im going to go into grief i will have suicidal thoughts i be angry and violent towards you and im not going to want to see my children i have lived 19 years 3 or which you have made mean the world to me and so much more so yes let me sleep save the life i risked my life to save because at the end its not how i died its how i lived. I lived Laxus i lived so please prioritize that baby make my life meaningful" i said as he still looked down.
"were you ever going to tell me" he asked as i shrugged.
"i dont know i knew how you would react" i said winking.
"well no more kids is your final answer not even adoption" he joked.
" you know thats not going to happen" i said as he suddenly froze a snarl making its way onto his face as he put lea in the floatie. I followed putting luke.
"what is it" i asked confused.
"get your asses out here right now" he shouted his voice darkening. I looked at where he was standing to see fairytail members walking out in groups. Behind them was jason from sorciere weekly.
"jason your not allowed on this property" i said as ivan, gildarts, lizzie and jason all walked outside confused.
"cool cool cool im getting the scoop" he said taking a picture of the twins.
Before i or anyone else could move seven bolts of lightning came from the sky burning jason to the ground.
"laxus" ivan scolded as as laxus chuckled going to check on the twins who laughed.
"dude we came here to take you back to the guild not be injured" jet shouted at laxus who turned to face the now cowering mage.
"did we need directions on how to get to the fairytail guild blondie" laxus asked crossing his arms.
"no" i said
"or maybe we did because for the past year we havent found the guild hall."Laxus said looking pissed off.
"laxus my boy im truly sorry but I had no choice we were all losing our way please come back i dont want to be master again im giving you the role" he said as i looked at laxus to see his face emotionless but on the inside he was exstatic.
"no thanks" he suddenly said as i sweat dropped.
"why not" gildarts said tearing his eyes away from the baby cana was holding. Everyone ignored him looking at me.
"what about you lulu" a voice called i looked to see chloe.
"im not joining the guild" i said trying to keep from talking as i saw juvia roll her eyes.
"is this about what i said to you in the councils office because if it is you need to get over it" she said.
"that was you" laxus said his fist tightening you.
"ill kill you lucy cried for hours on end because of you" lizzie said trying to claw her way out of ivan gildarts and jasons hand. I quickly grabbed laxus before he could do anything rash.
"I never told them who it was" i said to her.
"yeah but know we know what kind of friend calls their bestfriend a bad mother, a snobby rich brat who doesnt know how to save money" lizzie shouted as i watched makarovs face morphe into anger.
"who all was there" he asked voice raised. All the people who were there raised their hands sadly.
"who does that" laxus said lightning appearing all over him the twins watching with interest.
"all that talk about family lucy never not once bad talked you she forgave you time and time again. Helped you when you needed her the most" laxus said.
Interupted by erza
"we have saved her aswell when her father tried to kidnap her you dont get to pull the blame card on us when we called you to help you said no unless you can get a score with her" she shouted.
"erza" i said sending her a warning look as judah started crying. Lizzie went inside to check on her child.
"what lucy all im seeing is betrayal" natsu said crossing his arms.
"how in gods name did i betray you" i said.
"you rely on those sabers more than you rely on us now all we get is hatred after everything that we have been through" he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2019 ⏰

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