chapter 13

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As soon as i got home i looked to see everyone in the living room talking.
"do i ever make you feel like its your responsibility to help me with my kids" i asked as They all turned to me confused.
"lucy we barely do anything for your kids you stay up all night taking care of them and laxus helps you during the day all we do is hold and cuddle the babies which i love to do we dont feed them, we dont change them, we dont put them to sleep none of that you are parents of the year heck when judah was born i had humongous bags under my eyes." lizzie said smiling.
"you surely dont make me feel like i have to watch your kids your house is super fun you cook dinner, breakfast, lunch we dont have to pay rent you let us do practically everything we want. Heck today we offered to watch the kids and you basically did everything for us you changed them laxus fed them put them to sleep when luke woke up crying we called you and you told us what to do they fell back asleep instantly. So no you dont rely on us at all because your a bomb ass mom." gildarts said as i put l my hands to my face as i cried.
"thank you guys so much for being here" i said as ivan stood up walking to me. He grabbed my shoulders in a comforting mannor.
"your my daugbter in law those are my grandchildren no matter what you say im gonna take care of them you gave me a home a chance to beat this cáncer heck you give me money just so i can spoil myself you gave my son the one thing he asked for a family so no you dont make me feel like i have to i want to help you the best way i can" he told me as i hugged him crying into his shoulder as the front door opened i didnt look to see who it was i just cried not caring who saw.
"what happened" i heard laxus ask confused as ivan hushed him. I cant believe after all this time the one i thought knew me the most thought the worst about me. even after all the times that i helped her. I cried a little bit longer before i stopped wiping my eyes. Turning to a concerned laxus i looked him straight in the eye.
"i was told that pretty much im a stuck up princess who thinks the world revolves around her and that i am incapable of taking care of my children on my own and that i spend money like it really grows on trees" i said as laxus looked pissed off.
"but ya know its fine because i know what everyone thinks about me so now i can go hold my babies and cry until i fall asleep. Because for some reason i cant stop crying" i said looking at him as my voice cracked my eyes red and puffy. He simply shook his head picking me up bridal style. He walked into the nursery holding me tightly as he sat in the chair me in his lap.
"go ahead cry i have you now" he said as i nodded wrapping my arms around his neck as i cried.
"who was it" he asked as i shook my head. He would tell lizzie snd lizzie would kill her im not going to allow them to kill someone who just simply stated how they feel.
"so no names got it will you tell me eventually" he asked as i shook my head. Continuing to cry.
"hey lucy" juvia said walking over to me as laxus and I stopped dancing. It was our wedding day everyone was so happy.
"when you leave for your honeymoon aim for some kids so i can spoil them" she said as everyone laughed.
"you just want to see me fat" i said as she nodded walking off. She headed onto the stage getting everyones attention.
"lucy is going to get pregnant on this honeymoon and we as a family are gonna support her the  way she supported all of us oh yeah and laxus to" she said as everyone laughed including laxus.
"so lets raise our glasses as we toast the happy couple for one and for all lucy and laxus" she said as everyone cheered i smiled.
"I love you" laxus told me as i smiled standing on my tippy toes as i kissed him happily.
"I love you to" i said as everyone wolf whistled.
"you gotta wait until you honey moon" natsu screamed as i blushed putting my head in laxus chest as he chuckled.
This was the happiest moment of my entire life.
Flashback ends.
"they said they would be their for me the way i was their for them. I was there for them before i even knew it was them. Why does it hurt so much Laxus" i asked as he looked at me signing
"because you have a big heart. You forgave them before they ever had a chance to make it up to you. Causing them to feel as though you didnt care they were hurt so they wanted to hurt yoy back in return because you forgive easily. They took their anger out on you thinking that you would be ok and forgive them." he told me wisely as i wiped my eyes.
"no not this time im done giving to people what they never gave back" i said as he nodded.
"good now just stick to that and i promise people will be begging for forgiveness sed they thought you were going to immedieatly forgive them so they took advantage my wife will not be taken advantage of" he said as i nodded smiling at his level of pride.
"promise you'll never doubt yourself worth again" he said as i nodded picking up luke.
"i saw storm he is walking short distances" i said as he smiled.
"at least he is good well you wanna go down stairs" he asked as i nodded. He handed me lea as he carried us downstairs. I saw everyone looking through the tv boredly.
"wanna play in the pool" i asked everyone as they nodded super excited.
"go get ready" i said as laxus headed up stairs we put on swim suits. I put a water proof diaper on both lea and luke putting them in matching one piece. Laxus had on lightning swim trunks. I had on my celestial bikini that showed off my c-section scar.
"i love this scar" i said as laxus nodded kissing my neck.
"i love why the scar is their and i love the person bearing it" he said tracing the scar as i smiled. Suddenly gildarts walked in before stopping.
"oh am i interupting something" he asked as we shook our heads.
"ivan asked who was cooking and if we can stream the party live or stop the live" he asked aa i looked at laxus.
"im cooking and you dont have to stop." i said turning to face gildarts who nodded leaving the room. I grabbed lea as laxus got luke. We walked down stairs to see the house was empty laxus grabbed the twins floaties. Luke had a green lizard it had a donut hole instead of it being a hole their was a net you put their legs in the two holes and they sit on the net. Lea's was similar except she had a dragon. We walked out side laxus threw the floaties in the water we covered the twins faces jumping into the water we resurfaced as lea and luke started laughing.
"their straight up crazy" Ivan said to the others who all nodded we put the babies in the floaties. I went under water placing lukes pudgy legs around my neck swimming fast. I got over to the others laxus appeared right behind me i listened as lea and luke laughed telling each other nonsense.
This was just perfect im not a bad mother ill do anything to protect my children and keep them happy.

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