chapter 12

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Have you ever felt the need to turn down some one for your own selfish desires? I wanted to well i needed too in order to move on but the one thing holding me back was them... The babies for all of the ones who died it just wouldnt feel right i know i can save people but now i have to choose between saving the lives of future infants or seeing old guildmates. Signing in defeat I got up to get ready. Heading inside the bathroom i saw laxus already in the shower. stripping down I headed inside.
He turned in the shower to great me.
"are you sure you dont want to post pone your mission to come with me?" i asked him as he chuckled.
"blondie youll do great worry less about them and more about the babies i wish that i could go their because that guild kills babies who are vulnerable it makes me think about our vulnerable babies that could have been killed They werent but they still could be a target so worry about the babies and not them ok" he said as he washed my body kissing me lightly.
"ok" I said hugging him as we stood in the shower for a little while. When i got out i pulled my wet hair into a pony tail after drying it. I put on a puple t-shirt with thick straps a black pair of fablettics, black shoes and a belt to hold my keys. I choose to wear my locket and gold wrist band.
I walked into the nursery to see laxus beat me to changing the babies. I smiled rubbing my hand across their face as the moved closer to my touch. I smiled sadly. Hugging laxus
"im sor-ry i just cant imagine what i would do without lea and luke their my babies" i said crying into his chest as he rubbed my back.
"blondie its ok their gonna be fine they have three amazing wizards watching over them" he said as i looked at him.
"three" i asked confused.
"gildarts lizzie and old man jason is going on the mission with me" he said as i nodded.
"make sure no baby kidnappers come to take them" i said nodding to myself reassuringly.
Lizzie was a mom she would fight with her life. Ivan was a grandpa he will fight hard. Gildarts was a s-class mage.
"im gonna place runes just to be on the safe side but you need to get going" he said as i nodded kissing both my babies foreheads.  Then i kissed laxus really passionately. When we finished kissing i walked downstairs to see lizzie recording i walked over to gildarts grabbed him by the rim of his silk pajamas and jacked him up.
"if anything happens to my baby while im gone your a dead man not a single scratch am i clear." i said as he nodded scaredly.
I smiled releasing him as i got out a yogurt and smoothie.
"bye guys" i said grabbing my phone teporting to the magic council room. When I got there i saw the one thing i didnt want to see surrounding the table were old members of fairytail. Natsu, lisanna, mira, freed, evergreen, bixslow, grey elfman, cana, gajeel and juvia. They needed twelve people to take out a guild really.
"ah lucy so nice of you to join us" jura said smiling. I sent him a glare as he chuckled piping down. I took a seat in between evergreen and gajeel.
"The files placed infront of you hold everything you need to know about the guild. Ask any questions you may have" wolfheim said as everyone nodded. I opened mine and began reading.
"why cant we just fight the guild" natsu suddenly asked causibg everyone to look up.
Natsu had mysteriously grown a beard over the time the guild was disbanded. His pink hair was longer and he wore the same clothes just with a white long sleeved muscle shirt.
"natsu just read" erza demanded she had bags under her eyes. Long scarlet hair that went mid back. She had on a new set of armor.
"erza is right flame brain so pipe down" grey said still looking the same but you could tell he Just shaved his beard.
Lisanna giggled as she rubbed a pouting natsu's back her hair had grown to her shoulder but all together she still looked the same.
I continued reading until someone walked over to me climbing into my lap.
"lulu" the baby said i looked to see it was storm.
"storm" juvia scolded as storm ignored her. She had waist lenth blue hair and had bags under her eyes as well.
"lucy im sorry" she said about to get up as i smiled at storm.
"he's fine hey little guy" i said juvia purposely brung storm she knew kids were my weakness.
"ok" she said as everyone went silent i looked up to see everyone looking at each other as if talking.
"uh so luce" natsu asked. I looked up avoiding eye contact.
"what are the names of your babies" evergreen asked excitedly. She look Happy i heard she had her baby a few weeks before me. She looked the same.
"leanna and lucas" i said bouncing storm.
My phone suddenly went off. I answered with a hello.
"ok so luke wont stop crying we thought it was because of his teething, we changed his diaper fed him rocked him held him but then a thought occured would his mommy be crazy enough to hold another child. Put the baby down" ivan said as i rolled my eyes.
"who said im holding a baby" i said as he groaned.
"lucy do you want to hear his cries" he asked.
"no put lea in his crib trust me he'll stop crying" i said as ivan did just that causing luke to stop crying.
"told you now leave me alone" i said hanging up.
"was that laxus" freed asked excitedly he had shoulder length green hair.
"no" i said as i continued to read. When i finished reading i waited as everyone else finished we then came up with a plan of action. The whe time everyone tried to start up a conversation with me as if nothing had happened i chose to ignore them. When we left for death reapors i handed storm back to juvia. Why did she bring storm Anyway?
When we got to the guild natsu and grey punched the door down and we all stopped in horror seeing dead baby bodies everywhere literally some still bleeding out others dead no color in their body. I ran to the bleeding babies trying to heal as many as possible some would not be able to speak for the rest of their lives others paralyzed. I healed a total of seven. When i looked up i saw the guild was defeated tied up waiting for the rune knights. Erza and the others grabbed a baby as we headed too the magic council. I started packing my belongings as everyone tried to figure out how to make up to the parents for the death of their kids.
"can i leave now" i asked as everyone stopped looking at me.
"lucy what is your problem you do realize everything is not about you right" juvia said as i looked at her.
"i never said everything was about me" i said crossing my arms.
"then why do you feel as though you can leave without compensating these parents for the loss of their children" erza asked as everyone looked at me wanting an answer.
"because its stupid" i said as everyone started throwing questions at me like i was the bad guy.
"everyone let her explain" warrad shouted getting everyone to quiet down as i cover my eyes taking a deep breath.
"like i said its stupid no parent is going to get over the fact that their newvorn baby is dead, paralyzed or cant speak your all parents so tell me when your baby cries in the middle of the night because they had a nightmare and just want to be held you feel like your the only one that can protect them these parents feel like they failed to protect their kids in their eyes. So yes i want to leave because i want to cry and hold my kids if that makes me the bad guy then so be it i dont care your cant say or give anything to these parents unless you can bring back their babies you cant compensate a human beings life its not possible throwing money at someone is not going to fix it all these parents want is their babies" i said holding back my tears.
"yes that makes sense but still this whole day all you have been doing is ignoring us because of what you cant move on. thats not our fault lucy you need to get over yourself the world does not revolve around a stuck up princess who waist her money on Absolutely nothing and chooses to let other people take care of her kids while she relaxes." juvia exploded as i looked at her.
"wow good to know how you actually feel" i said teleporting away to my house.

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