chapter 5

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1 month later 3 months and 3 weeks since fairytail disbanded
7 months since i got pregnant 4 months since i married the love of my life and a week til i met my worst enemy. It has me stranded. Unable to breathe properly. It is holding its own against my husband the strongest man i know. It has made me bed ridden clogging ny brain from any rational thought. Made ivan afraid to leave his room. The house has been condemned until further notice and all because...

My baby is trying to kill me. Aparently my babies have taken all of my magic making me weak and frail until my doctor can find a cure. And i have had really weird cravings for lightning. My symptoms are throwup, bloody nose, cough, wheezing and im very moody and my babies kick me like there is no tommorow. Ivan is MIA claiming he didnt want to infect me with carcinogens. Laxus has been doing everything in his power to help me. So looking at him as he rushed around the room cleaning it made me want to puke.
"lah us" i weezed out coughing as i wrapped myself in blankets.
He stopped looking at me. I lifted a weak finger beconing him over. He bravely walked over sitting on the bed carrasing my face as i looked at him with my doe brown eyes.
"coo duhl me" i said shivering. He nodded picking me up placing me in his laps arms wrapped around my waist as he laid us down kissing my forehead while we stared into space.
Slowly drifting off to sleep as the weezing became less painful.
Time skip after they wake up.
I stand up shakily moving towards the kitchen my nose now stopped i almost made it there when i lost my balance about to fall as laxus caught me.
"what are you doing up your supposed to be in bed sleep" laxus said as i rolled my eyes weakly pushing off of his arms as i regained my balance only to fall laxus catching me again i rapped the cover tightly around my body but it didnt even touch my stomach. I had gained 27 pounds total during my pregnancy the doctor said if i get to 35 i was normal pregnancy average.
I was fat and it was weird that the cover hid that. Grabbing a napkin i wiped my nose about to place it in the trash as laxus and i were teleported into a room. Looking around i saw it was the magic council room and we were not alone. Looking around me i saw the ten wizard saints, erza, jellal, violet, a little baby,  grey, meredy, and im guessing their baby, a fat lisanna, nashi and natsu.
"well look at that fairytails strongest team reunites again." jura said.
"yeah thats all good and peachy" i said willing my throw up to go down as i leaned on laxus for support.
"lucy did you just wake up or Something" jellal asked as i rolled my eyes.
"im gonna say or Something" i said as jura chuckled.
"well we have a mission for you all to take down a dark guild we thought after you beat tartaros all dark guilds would cease to exist but that didnt happen. So are you up for it." wolfheim asked looking at everyone.
"i cant im sick so i wanna go home and sleep" i suddenly said causing everyone to look at me.
"luce is this your way of avoiding us you have to get over yourself" natsu said as i stopped laxus before he could show off his training
"get over myself what are you talking about" i asked as the throw up came back up.
"we deserve an explanation of why you never answered our calls its the least you can do" he said as i rolled my eyes walking over towards him slowly grabbing his shoulder as i threw up all over his clothes when i was done i walked over to laxus who was smirking.
"thats the least you can do" i said as Laxus teleported us home. We sat on the couch laxus rubbing my back.
"I feel glad that i got that out of my chest" i said as he looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
"you threw up on your best friend" he said as i laughed.
"because im not afraid of letting go anymore hes my former best friend" i said as he nodded.  We stayed in silence for a few minutes. leaving me time to think. If they needed my magic in order to survive wouldnt they need laxuses.
"hey laxus feed me some of your lightning" i suddenly said as he looked at me weirdly.
"the babies need it the need both parents magic. So feed me some lightning" i said as he looked at me for any signs of hesitation not that any occured. He signed summoning a lightning bolt. I carefully took it into my hands as i looked at it curiously.
"you bite it" he said as i nodded taking a chunk out of it chewing it as he studied me. It tasted like when i kiss laxus i dont know exactly how to describe it but the taste was wonderful. When i finished we went about our day as i slowly started feeling better enough for laxus to come out of his room at least. We all ate dinner in peace before taking our showers and heading off to sleep. I laid on laxus chest wearing grey silk pajamas as i listened to his steady heartbeat. I saw my first best friend today and he told me i need to get over myself for not answering his phone calls. Did they answer mine? Did they let me know they were fighting for our lives. That they faced our strongest and most dangerous opponent? No they didnt but im supposed to just forgive. Im not gonna forgive but im gonna get over it im going to be a mother in a couple months my babies, my father in law and my husband deserve my attention and worry. I would be a bad mother i seem to keep doing things wrong i managed to get a big roomy house, a great husband but yet i couldnt provide a family for my kids. My parents are decesed along with laxus mother my guild broke up, my aunt killed my father and tried to kill me, my little sister left getting me fined by the orphanage for losing her, my cousin...
"lizzie" i said suddenly smiling lizzie never did anything she is always busy from work. Quickly picking up my phone i dialed her number.
It answered after the forth ring.
"hello" jason's groggy voice answered as i smiled.
"hey jason can you put liz on the phone its important" i said.
"sure liz lucy wants to talk to you" he said i heard shuffling as liz came to the phone.
"barbie bitch long time no speak you never called me about the honeymoon" lizzie said happily as i laughed turning to loom at laxus who was still asleep i kept quiet.
"im sorry liz the honey moon was great  we found out a few things life got really busy but its good to hear from you i missed you so much" i said as she giggled.
"i missed you a lot." she said sniffling as she cried i shed a few tears also.
"come to magnolia I want to catch up" i said as she signed sobbing.
"i cant just leave the orphanage takes up most of my day i have to have a reasonable excuse to leave for vacation" she said as i felt a pain through my stomach as warm liquid slid down my leg. I screamed in pain as a huge wave came over my nerves.
"lucy" laxus said sitting straight up as he put a hand to my stomach looking at me confused.
"lu what's wrong why did you scream" liz asked confused as tears slid down my face.
"im either having contractions or a miscarriage" i said as laxus rushed to turn on the bed lamp pulling the cover off. He laughed as he kissed my hand.
"your having contractions looks like the babies are coming" he said as i squeezed his hand tighter.
"babies what is he talking about your not pregnant i saw pictures of you in sorcerer weekly you still look small" liz said as i wiped my eyes with the free hand.
"im having twins and i have gained 27 pounds is that a big enough reason for you to come ohh" i said before screaming. Laxus picked me up. Carrying me bridal style as he woke up ivan telling him to meet us at the hospital its like midnight. Screaming again as laxus lightning teleported us to the hospital.
"this is not happening its been 7 months average pregnancy is 9 months what if something is wrong with the babies? What if i did something wrong?" i questions as laxus held me a squad of nurses rushing towards me as they stuck me with needles asking laxus a million questions all at once as he calmly answered them although i knew he was panicking on the inside. He was my husband afterall.
I let out an ear pearcing scream as all the nurses looked at me talking amongst each other.
"these babies are ready to come out now we have to do an emergency c-section page head of pediatrics" a nurse screamed as laxus grabbed my hand as following as they pushed me into a room. My babies are coming into this world... NOW!!!!!!

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