chapter one

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When you think about friends what do you think about? When i think about friends i think about ride or die. A shoulder to cry on when i find out news that my dad dies. Someone to tell my secrets to the deep ones like the sex injuries and oh yeah I dont know im pregnant. That one friend who lets you yell at them while hugging you. Someone that you call at late hours so they can help you sleep at night because counting sheep and watching cartoons didnt work. So when you think about a friend you never imagine hurt. Tears falling down your face as you try to be strong for your babies. Have you ever woke your husband up just so he can watch you cry to your hearts content about what you didnt know. Have you every puked your guts out telling your husband you only want you best friends comfort. Well if you have i feel your pain because for the past month my life has been tragic. My baby bump is painfully obvious im five months along and all i can see to think about is the disbandment. My husband laxus has tried to comfort me through my girl times and I love him for that but I just have to move on.
Rolling over in bed i saw it was empty. I signed seeing a note on his pillow.
"hi babe ill be gone for the day i took a mission from the council i leave you in charge of the house my beautiful I left some money feel free to go shopping or i dont know im not the boss of you so just stay safe your living for three people now love you and remember everything will be ok." i read smiling as i put the letter back down looking at the neatly stacked boxes in the hall.
"I guess i could unpack" i said grabbing the lightboxes for the study. Taking them one at a time to the large room placing all dictonary and magic book boxes in a corner i set up the room structure putting the desk in the center with a note book and pen on each desk. Next i took all the books arranging the in alphebetical order to be put away. It felt really weird not having any company.
Signing that i barely got anywork done I headed upstairs to our room and took a really long shower. I wonder how storm, nashi, violet, and the other babies are. Have any taken their first steps or first words. Im not a heartless person i have feelings and a soft spot for babies. Leanna and lucas are the cause no we dont know the gender for sure but if its two boys be decided lucas and jaden but if its two girls leanna and jada my to keep my parents first letter innitials and middle names are laxus parents Leanna Rose Dreyar or Lucas Ivery Dreyar.
In case its two boys or two girls we decided to keep room colors gender neutral. A purplish grey to match the house colors.
We even made the toys gender neutral no pink teddy bears, no plastic footballs. Being a mother so far has been easy no sudden problems or bad signs.
It was probably because i witnessed others while pregnant. My cravings have been... Different the other day i woke laxus up and asked him to fix me a pickle juice icecream float with lemon packets added. Laxus writes down all the recipes i come up with so when i have the babies i can try them to see if they are good. Speaking of Laxus he has been so great. He buys the babys tons of clothes and footies and its just super great. He reads books to my stomach and tells then about our day. He gives me massages without me having to ask and oh does he love to train in the back yard sneaking pictures of me in the weirdest moments we even have a scrap book. The scrap book is already filled and its only been a month.
Only been a month who am i kidding it could have just been yesterday and i would cry the day does not matter and with laxus out i have no arms to hold me if i break down.
I hate that I cant move on as fast as everyone else did. Everytime i try to give up on fairytail im reminded of it in some way shape or form. Sighing i got out of the shower pulling on a purple one piece bathing suite. I grabbed a towel heading to the back yard. Sitting on the edge i pulled out a really interesting book to read as time seemed to fly. Before i knew it the sun was setting and my feet had gotten wrinkly. I sat on the patio as i waited hearing the front door open.
"blondie im home" laxus shouted as he sat down something heavy walking onto the patio where he saw me sitting comfortably.
"i missed you" he said leaning down to kiss me as i tilted my head upwards to meet him in the effort. Pulling back i smiled as he sat next to me taking my feet onto his lap as he rubbed them  as i leaned back.
"so how was your mission" i asked shivering from the breeze he looked over at me handing me his coat that i snuggled into. listening as he talked about his mission when he suddenly stopped.
"what" i asked as he shook his head.
"tell me please for the baby" i said as he sighed.
"I saw juvia and lyon with storm juvia is fat. Oh but they were dinning with natsu, lisanna and nashi. I left before they could see me." he said as i looked down tears threatening to spill.
"for a month i have been worrying nonstop over those two... NONSTOP and they decide to hang out and not even invite me did i do something is it me because my number never changed, im still in magnolia, I never argued but im the one getting the short end of the stick so what did I do" i said balling up my fist as my cheeks burned in fury.
"now lucy calm down maybe i saw it wrong maybe they just ran into each other" he said as i frowned looking at him. I shook my head furiously wiping my eyes.
"today you know every month we would meet on this day and just talk they didnt bump into each other they planned to meet up and didnt invite me so if they can forget me ill forget them" i said looking right into laxus eyes to let him know i was serious. He nodded with a smirk.
"alright blondie i say we start with that guildmark" he said taking my hand as i quickly pulled it away.
"small steps" i said as he nodded with a smile.
"how about the gifts for storm" he stated as i stopped smiling. I ran into the house grabbing a huge empty box before running up the stairs careful not to fall. I went into the spare room and grabbed a bunch of wrapped boxes putting them neatly into the box i closed it wrapped it and put a stamp on the top
location lamia scale
To storm vastia
From godmother.
I sat on the box heaving as laxus looked at me with a smirk.
"tommorow your gonna take this to lamia scales front door then your gonna come back to me so we can have that doctors appointment and maybe after we can have sex until the wolves howl at us" i said as laxus smirked walking over to me. He picked me up and walked down stairs into the kitchen where he sat me on a barstool at the island. He walked out coming back with a bag and food.
Laxus gave me a take out box and fork while he sat the bag in the middle of the table. Laxus began to eat as i stared as the bag using my fork to push my food back and forth it was shrimp, rice and chicken covered in white Sauce.
"do you not like the food" he asked as i shook my head looking at him.
"its not that i just uh nevermind" i said as he put his fork down looking into my eyes as i searched his grey eyes.
"open the bag if you want to" he said as i didnt need to be told twice. Looking inside the bag i see a box. Opening it i find a beautiful bracelet it was a simple gold band i looked to see laxus smiling.
"on the back it says my love, my life, my everything i got it engraved a week back and they finished it so do you like it." he asked as i nodded smiling
"I love it i love you" i said smiling as he grabbed my left hand kissing my knuckles.
"I love you more"

Hey guys i know the book started off dull but i have huge plans so please sit back and read.

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