☆°• 14

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"Have a fun day at school Yoongi." Jin smiled as he helped put the red backpack on the half awake little who stood outside the dark red door to the room in which muffled laughter and chatter came from within.

"Mh." Yoongi tiredly grunted with his eyes closed, holding onto Maximus as Jin signed him in for the dayschool.

Yoongi wore a matching white two piece top and shorts which made him look like a sailor boy, he was just missing a hat and a lollipop now to complete the innocent rich boy look.

"Try and stay awake this time. You always sleep through it. Jungkook is already in there. Have a good day!" Jin softly ruffled his hair with a smile, which made the little tiredly whimper as he tried to swat lazily at Jin's hand.

Jin opened the red door and was welcomed with the sound of loud littles having fun and playful screams, he usheres Yoongi inside before closing the door behind him.

Inside, the room's walls were painted a mustard yellow colour with many big and small orange sun swirls littered across the walls. The decor was eye catching with a range of colours, mainly with reds, yellows and oranges.
The room was pretty spacious and wide, the oak brown floor was covered in various paint splatters, marbles, candy wrappers and random teddy bears of sorts.

Yoongi looked around quietly before shuffling over to the one area where he was most comfortable - in the jungle corner of soft multi-coloured pillows and giant bean bags.

As he walked over he already found one of his friends already occupying it as he flopped right next to them on the pillow.

"W-Wooshi." Yoongi mumbled loudly, only to get light snores coming from the black haired short little next to him as he laid there wrapped up in a tiny blue blanket coccoon.

Yoongi shrugged before grabbing a nearby blanket and pulled it over his head.


"Little ones! Settle down!" Hoseok clapped his hands together with a happy smile on his face. "Today we're going to make art for your carer's to take home." He got up to prepare the art supplies as the group of little's got excited.

"Yay!" Jackson squealed as he clapped his hands together excitedly.

"Macaroonie hart for Lisa!" Jennie threw her hands up with a wide smile.

"Me... me want tew do h-han paint!" Wonho's eyes lit up as he rocked back and forth.

Jungkook sucked on his thumb before gasping. "Wan tew colar pictas!" He bounced.

Hoseok brought over the art supplies and set them down on the now plastic-covered carpet and started preparing the area for the littles to go crazy with their artistic skills.

"Where is Yoongi and Lee?" Hoseok asked as he looked around with a quizzical look on his face. Jungkook pointed over to the pillow jungle as he sucked on an orange crayon.

"Jungkook that's not safe." Hoseok softly said as he took the crayon out the sitting little's mouth before replacing it with the same coloured pacifier that he had beside him before petting his head.

Hoseok got up and walked over to the horde of pillows in the corner before putting his hands on his hips and shook his head with a soft sigh as he looked down at the two sleeping little's bundled up together in a blanket hug.

"Yoongi~ Lee~" Hoseok whispered as he crouched down and gently rubbed at their arms to ease them out of sleep. "Wakey wakey~ Sunshine eggs and bakey~"

Lee was the first to stir, huddling into Yoongi more under the blanket as he groaned tiredly before his eyes fluttered open and he gave Hoseok a mean silent look with his eyes.

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