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"I wan pancakes!" Yoongi yelled as he ran into the kitchen full speed, making Jimin flinch as the boy almost collided with him in front of the hot stove.

Yoongi bounced eagerly as he wore his oversized white fuzzy sweater with light blue distressed shorts, white socks with yellow duckies on them and white sneakers on his feet.

"Yah! Calm down!" Jimin stared at the little who only huffed impatiently as he crossed his arms. "And what's the magic word, huh?"

"Now." Yoongi replied as he looked down at his fingers and fiddled with them.

Jimin raised his eyebrow. "Hah. Sorry. I don't speak spoiled." He flipped his bangs out of his eyes before smirking.

Yoongi glared up at the carer. "I wan pancakes now."


Yoongi's eye twitched. He wasn't used to being denied so boldly. "Now!"

"Okay." Jimin said softly.

Yoongi smiled widely. "Really?!"

"Sike!" Jimin flashed a mean grin in return.

Yoongi gasped loudly before he scowled at his carer before storming out of the kitchen in a fit.

"God. Have they been completely spoiling him endlessly?" Jimin sighed to himself as he mixed the eggs in the frying pan to make them scrambled.

Next thing he knew he heard the front door open and slam shut with the muffled yelling of "Pancakies~!" being heard.

"Oh shit!" Jimin threw the frying pan to the side as he ran out the kitchen and struggled to get his boots on as he snatched his keys off the side and opened the door. "Yoongi!" He yelled as he ran out the door and down the hallway.

As he turned the corner, he saw Yoongi inside the elevator hugging his giraffe plush as he waves with a wide gummy smile.

"Yoongi!" Jimin yelled as he ran to the elevator, only for it to close completely as soon as he reached it.

"Pancaaaakes~!" Yoongi cried out happily from the lift as the elevator started descending levels.

Jimin quickly saw the doors to the staircase and started running down them, jumping a few steps all the way from the 10th floor.

"Fucking hell!" Jimin cried out breathlessly as he reached the ground floor, tripping up as he ran threw the ground level corridor to find Yoongi was already outside making a break for it. "Aigo~!" Jimin pulled at his hair before he dashed through the doors of the apartment complex.

"Min Yoongi! You get back here right now!" Jimin shouted, alerting Yoongi to turn around as he kept running.

Yoongi screamed and kept on running as he kept on looking back as Jimin started chasing after him.

"Noo!" Yoongi yelled as he kept running, his stamina seeming to fade as he started to slow down from exercising not being his main thing.

Jimin caught up to the breathless little and made a grab, scooping his arm around his waist before picking him up in a bridal hold as the little started to squirm. "You're so troublesome!"

Yoongi squirmed in Jimin's hold as he made whining noises and kicked his legs. Jimin rolled his eyes as he struggled with the thrashing little before giving in.

"Okay okay! Fine! You get pancakes!" Jimin sighed hard before Yoongi stopped thrashing.

"Yay!" Yoongi cheered as he smiled triumphantly, the winning glory in his grasp as he finally got what he wanted.

"Never run off ever again. God. They'd kill me if you got lost or something." Jimin mumbled as he struggled to use the electric key to open the door as Yoongi started to wriggle. "Quit it! You're not running off!"

As they walked in and entered the lift, Jimin pressed the button to make the door close before he finally put Yoongi down.

"Wow. You're lighter than I thought." Jimin chuckled a little before Yoongi blushed slightly and started to hit at him in a flurry of swinging fists. "Hey! Calm down!"

"Nyeh!" Yoongi hit him with his giraffe plush before annoyingly pushed all the buttons on the elevator.

"Yoongi! Why!" Jimin stared at the little who only smirked slightly.

"Wahh~ qwiet!" Yoongi yelled as he bouned up and down, making the elevator move.

"Yoongi! I swear, if you don't stop I'm gonna spank you!" Jimin stared at the giggling little.

"Can't pank Pwince Yoonie!" Yoongi stuck his tongue out and blew a raspberry at his carer.

"I'm warning you, Yoongi."  Jimin hardened his stare at the little, who only squinted twice as hard at his carer.

"You a big weanie!" Yoongi sneered before throwing his plushie at Jimin as the lift doors opened up to their floor and he bolted out. "Run! Run! Run!"

"Yah! That's it!" Jimin grabbed the plushie and ran after Yoongi, catching up to the little at the end of the hallway as he made a grab and held Yoongi's wrists together.

"Nooo!" Yoongi started crying loudly as he tried to pull away.

"I told you Yoongi, and I warned you. Now you're gonna get punished." Jimin said sternly as he pulled the little along to his apartment, unlocking the door as Yoongi struggled and cried out loudly as he tried to pull away.

"I don' wan! I don' wan!" Yoongi stamped his feet repeatedly as he cried.

"Too bad. You brought this upon yourself. So now..." Jimin spoke as he opened the door, pulling the little inside to face the consequence of his actions.

"You've been a bad little boy - and bad little boys get spanked!"


Daddy Jimin mode activated~ oof

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