Part 2 Not A Word

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Erika POV

I didn't know who I was truly looking for, but I knew if I was such a key piece I would be found. I could feel eyes watching me, that's when I caught sight of my father. His blue hues match my own.

"Well my little deer in headlights." He smirked as I stopped in my tracks. I didn't show a hint of emotion as I examined his features.

"You're like a cockroach... You just won't die. It is quite the shame." He approached, yet I saw a taller figure behind him, my hues narrowed. He was tall surely, but hid in the shadows.

"Enough... I would love to kill you... Slowly and painfully, but my master needs you." My curiosity was now at its peak. My father was no coward I knew that more than any other fact in my life. Whoever this Khal man was, must have power over everyone for my father to call him master.

"Good to know you're a pet..." A smirk crossed my lips as I approached him, mere inches from his face. "Can't lay a hand on me you fucker." He growled lowly before grabbing my hair.

"Don't harm her!" I smirked hearing the voice boom from the alley before he let go.

"Good boy." I followed where I heard the voice, yet there was merely a door open. The halls lead me to an apartment where a man stood by the window. The street lights illuminated his face.

" Well Amunet what a pleasure to meet thee

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" Well Amunet what a pleasure to meet thee." He smirked and took my hand, pressing a kiss to the back. "You've come to join my game." I moved my hand away and glanced around, taking a seat nearby. "You lack emotions I sense it."

"I do... Your boys tend to upset me enough... And well someone caused the death of my husband."

"I bet they claim it was me?"

"They do."

" It wasn't. It was that witch... Esther. She killed your husband for the spirit world to bring her husband back." He wandered from the window and sat across from me. I could feel the compulsion as he looked at me. "Now... I am requesting your help beautiful. My boys deserve punishment... You are going to be my little puppet." He stood and kneeled beside my chair, his eyes locked with mine. I couldn't move, merely take in every word he said. " You are mated to my son Petar... Yet I want you to crumble him. You will pursue Hades. Sleep with him. Make sure Petar finds out." His hand raised to my cheek, stroking gently. "They will fight... Once I feel their bond is weakened... You will be free from my power..."

"Yes sir..." He smirked and lifted me from the chair, placing me on the bed.

"Sleep sweet Angel. The game begins tomorrow." Just like that I slept. In fact the best I had since I lost James. It felt as if Khal was telling truth. He was even there still when I awoke, my eyes adjusting to the light. "You know what you have to do... You may not say a word."

"That is usually how compulsion works Khal." I shrugged, sliding off the giant bed and slipping my shoes on, how they came off I had no clue. I began walking to the door, yet he followed and grabbed my wrist.

"Maybe once I watch my sons' demise I might claim you as my queen." His lips brushed against mine, I moved away and smirked stroking his cheek.

"I am a queen who needs no king." With that I blurred away, out of his reach and sight. Where Rah had gone I had no idea. When I reached the quarter, I already had a story created. After all under compulsion no one could know what I was sent to do.

" Erika!" Petar rushed over and grabbed my face, examining before hugging me. "I was worried..."

"Don't be... I was hiding from Rah... I never found Khal." I moved away once he released me from a hug. My eyes caught Hades staring making me smirk.

" We need a new plan Hades."

"I thought that would have worked."

"Maybe a party can bring out the monsters." I mumbled looking to Klaus.

"I'll have to send hope away for the night. She's human I'm not risking her life." I nodded slowly before looking to Caroline.

" Well you know what to do Caroline." I smirked and walked over to the liquor cabinet, grabbing the whiskey. Petar came up behind me and sighed softly.

"When will you give up on hiding your emotions?"

" When hell is cold..."

"I can arrange that..." Hades mumbled snatching a whiskey glass and pouring himself a couple shots worth.

"This is hell."

"That changes things." Hades sighed and sat down, as did Petar.

"It's sad Amunet... You've changed so much from the beautiful woman whom I fell in love with..." I scoffed and glanced at him. I wore my mask so well.

" Yeah well like you said... I was just some woman to carry your sorry excuse for a child."

"You don't mean it..."

"I do at the moment." A smirk crossed my features as he walked away.

"You're even cold to me." Hades mumbled before downing his drink.

"Let's just say I would have rathered you be my mate. The more handsome brother." I once again smirked and walked away. It was now that I started to feel ill inside. Realization sinking in that I was being a monster in this game. I was playing for my freedom though. I glanced to Sila, she was alone for once. Elijah not by her side. Slowly I wandered over and took a deep breath.

"I heard what you said... I'm a sad excuse for a daughter mom?" She stood and glared at me with eyes identical to mine. I grabbed her throat and pinned her against the wall. My lips close to her ear.

"Shut up and act like you hate me... Because I need you to Amunta Silata Claryta Clark. I need to be your worst enemy right now..." My voice strained. I had to choose my words carefully to follow my compulsion. "Protect your father till the mask falls." I moved away and looked in her eyes. She knew the mask I wore was merely that... A mask. She just couldn't know what I was hiding under it for now.

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