A Sister's Love

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James POV

I returned to the quarter and she was no where to be found. Panic set in till I saw the familiar blonde hair and smile. In a blur I pulled her into my arms, grumbling slightly.

"Please don't disappear like that again."

"Mother, whose this?" I let her go as she glanced to Klaus then back at the young blonde whom looked nearly identical to her.

"This Niklaus is Amunta... Your sister." She smirked slightly and approached Niklaus, examining him.

" Your father would be so proud." Her eyes darted to me, then Damon whom Elijah had set free. Slowly she walked over to him, examining him like prey before walking past to see Elijah.

" Well well. You look as handsome as ever."


"Miss me?" She smirked before turning back to Erika. "You know I wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for you."

"With that attitude I think you would." She shot a glare before walking to Kepi her grandmother and smirking slightly.

"Good to know they brought you back too... Suffering sucks doesn't it?" I watched as Erika snapped, anger in her was surely in Niklaus. She pinned Amunta against the wall, growling lowly.

"I was very happy to hear you were alive. Now I'm saying otherwise. Why did they bring you back? I can return you back if you want so desperately!" Amunta struggled slightly before lifting herself slightly to speak.

"To fucking kill you. The original monster they said. If you're dead guess what? Everyone else goes too. Godric bound you to vampire existence when you were created. You and Eric. So you both have to die actually. Now that your amulet is gone they had to bring back a few people to make a new one. Kepi didn't tell you? They brought back Rah." She laughed slightly. "They are using him to make a new one and they wanted me to help. Obviously I'm not completely heartless considering I left. Rah had to slip it on your neck and bam... Your heart beats, he pulls it out." Rika dropped her glaring at Kepi. In a blur her head was torn off and tossed.

"Enough for one night." Rika walked over the body before heading inside. I was right behind her as she poured a glass of bourbon with bloody hands. I could feel the anger coming from her body.

"We'll figure it out." I mumbled as she glanced at me.

" Yeah. Well with my father back I fear we might need to leave this city. Give up the fight for it because he's a bigger threat."

" We can't leave them behind." I snaked my arms around her waist, pressing my lips to her neck. Her scent made me want to feed. It was hard resisting my now more heightened urges due to being almost hybrid.

" For once I'm out of ideas. I don't know what to do."

"Like I said... We'll figure it out as a group. Go upstairs get some rest." She sighed and turned around, pressing her lips to mine. I growled slightly with a smirk. "I will be up in a few alright." She nodded before blurring off. I walked outside, Marcel was cleaning up the body. "Nik. We need a plan. She's out of it right now."

"I'm working on one." Amunta shrugged slightly. " I don't want to help, but I have no choice. My mother deserves to live. As do all of you."

" Well that's comforting." Rebekah chimed in before sighing slightly.

"Rah being back changes things. We might need more fire power than we have is what I'm saying."

"And what do you know about Rah?" Amunta smirked towards me as she sat down then glanced to Elijah. "Other than he's a complete Dick."

"I know enough to fear him. Erika's anger tends to get the best of her."

"Mmm who does that sound like?" Caroline glanced to Klaus who grumbled slightly.

"It's a hybrid thing love... Amunta tell me what you can about Rah."

"I will... Later. I have some catching up to do with my old lover..." She smirked looking to Elijah still. "Walk with me." Elijah looked to Haley before giving a nod and following Amunta.

"What was that all about...?"

" The same thing you're all about. Ruining shit." Damon smirked slightly. A chuckle escaped me as I walked over to him.

"It's cute now... You already turned me into what I didn't want to become... Try fighting me now Damon. A little hybrid bite can do wonders for the skin I hear."

"Afraid to take off those sunglasses and let the world see what you really look like?" A smirk crossed my lips, I took off my glasses, my eyes were a mixture of red and gold.

"I'm the one that got the girl. Don't be bitter." I flashed my fangs before waking inside and upstairs. Erika was already fast asleep wrapped up in the blankets. Truth be told I wish it could be just us again. Away from all this bullshit and Damon. He was a loose animal, just waiting to get someone killed.

I laid down and pressed a kiss to her temple before engulfing her in my embrace. Sleep wasn't gonna come easy tonight. Not with someone hunting the one thing that keeps me sane. Little did I know the lengths the enemy would go to in attempts to hurt her. To extinct the vampire kind.

Last chapter before I do a mass publish. I'm aiming to have all the story done soon. So enjoy this bit before I get to work on finishing this beauty up!

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