Friends and Enemies

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Erika POV

I'd slept the night in my own room, of course with Erik sleeping on top of the blankets. He rarely slept and yet somehow managed to function perfectly fine everyday. Godric told me we all transformed differently, though I had always seemed to gotten the short end of the stick when it came to him. Stretching out before forcing my eyes open, I couldn't help but think about what my plan even was when it came to Augustine.
Then again what would happen after I've killed them all. Just leave and once again separated from all my son's. Josef would go run half of New York behind false names, Alexander back to Hawaii, and Niklaus right here being a king. Once again I would be heading back to California and what was waiting for me was absolutely nothing. Not even a pet. Merely an empty home just like all the others I owned.
I slid out of bed and wiggled into my jeans, white shirt, and leather jacket before wandering downstairs. Godric had a fevered look on his face as he sat back and cleared his throat.
" You invited Erik?"

" Yes. After all I thought this was a family affair Godric." He blurred in front of me grabbing my neck before pushing me to the wall.

"You're going to cause a war Erika. Augustine isn't just humans. They've made vampires. Vampires that go against their own kind to protect their Augustine masters. If they get a hold of any of you. They will send you away and make you one of their pets just like they did earlier. Next time a stake getting driven into your chest won't fix it cause you'll be too far gone. Killing you is not something I want to do alright? You and Erik don't need to be heros every time to make up for what you both have done. You'll both end up dead." He let go, my son's watching and hearing every word just like everyone else. I held back my anger to attack, yet Erik of course huffed and sat down.
"Godric you're too passive. What happens if they come after us before we act. We fall and sooner or later we all turn against each other? I wont sit by and watch it happen. I won't let my son get hurt."
"Erik. Don't waste your breath you won't change his mind." I released a sigh before glancing over to Josef who shook his head.
"Ah mother how did I know you were going to call father? Other than the big giant mess going on?" He laughed and walked over to Erik and exchanged a hug. A smile merely crossed my brims before I sat down then glanced at Godric.
"I will follow your rules. But I will not lose another son. I swear to that." Godric gave a nod before wandering outside to meditate as he always did. Taking a breath I glanced around noticing the sour look on Damon's face as he walked over to Eric and cleared his throat.

"Ah has superman come to save the day?"

"Who might you be?" Eric chuckled, towering over Damon just as much as he did everyone else. After all vikings were all very tall and of course strong. Damon smirked before crossing his arms.

"Cocky asshole of the group Damon Salvatore."

"Eric relax don't kill him. He's not the issue." I mumbled walking past them both to glance in the living room. "Where is Caroline?" My eyes shifted golden before I closed them, focusing on my sense of smell. She wasn't here, yet Niklaus blurred upstairs, releasing a growl.

"I told her not to go to the market by herself. She's not her." He rushed back down only to be stopped by me at the door with one swift push. A sigh passed my lips before I looked to Eric.

"Watch them for me. I'm just running to the market to find Caroline. It will be fine." Grabbing my jacket, I slipped on my shoes before putting up my hood. 

"You're really think you're going alone?" Godric laughed slightly and walked in front of me. "Come along we need to hurry. I sense a storm coming on." I rushed after Godric, taking to the roof to cross the city faster as the sky grew dark with storm clouds. Only to stop once we'd reached the market place, yet stayed in the shadows of the awnings as much as possible. "I sense her up ahead." Like a lamb I was lead into the trap of the unsuspecting slaughter. I followed after Godric, only speaking once Caroline had come into sight, basket full of fruits hanging from arm. Godric fell behind, letting me close into Caroline, yet I was falling into a circle I wouldn't be able to escape. 

"You left without anyone Caroline are you crazy?" She sighed softly shaking her head. 

"I...just wanted to get out of the house Erika..." 

"It's fine I understand...those boys can get a little overwhelming sometimes." I turned around only to be stopped by Godric, Caroline's back being pushed against mine as someone grabbed her neck just as Godric had grabbed mine. "What...what are you doing."

"I'm sorry Erika...I just know that vampires as a kind...we are too uncontrolled. Time to be controlled." I growled lowly feeling his teeth sink into my neck before roughly yanking, the insides being pulled out and darkness consuming. My maker was an Augustine monster and now my greatest threat. 


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