Chapter Thirty-six

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Bryson's POV ;-)

Like the Bryson Griffin I am, I acted so Bryson Griffin at Mateo's.

All the happy Halloween spirit I had in the morning varnished.
In my defense of what happened, I only acted like we were a couple because I thought she needed rescuing not because I was jealous or anything thing of such.

You're bad, very bad at lying, a voice in my head said.

Jeez! Shut up! I shot.

"Are you ready yet?" Nolan asked, entering my room.
"Almost!" I yelled from my walk-in-closet, I realized soon after I yelled my response that was far from ready.


"Really man? You haven't even showered yet" Nolan eyed me.
As usual I played basketball in order to get rid of what so ever guilty feeling I had inside me.

After a good shower, I got dressed up. Nolan patiently waited for me over a plate chicken Alfredo pasta.

I drove us to school, I wasn't in the mood to mix up yet so Nolan went to get us a drink.

"Look what I found? He said getting into the car, he had a bottle of vodka in his right and two red party cups in the left.

"Good findings" I took the cup from him.

"And...I met Chris..he had new stuffs so I got them..LSD" he passed the substance to me.

"You good?" He asked after my third refill and fifth pill.
"No, but..." I shook my head, showing him I wasn't ready to talk about it.

My soul purpose for drinking and using pills was to forget about Zemela since basketball didn't help me. The pill only made me see her face more, I needed coke or something else LSD wasn't going to work for me and I had taken over five pills already.

"I'm going in" I told Nolan.

I don't know how I got into the school building but there I was on the dance floor dancing with a girl.

Someone gave me a red cup and a crystal substance which I gratefully accepted.

"This is" I paused to allow the burn down my throat, "good!" I declared.
"Yeah" the girl yelled over the music, "come with me!"
"Definitely!" I'm not sure if I was smiling or grinning or both.

Again I don't know how I ended up outside or even in a car.

I blinked, "skylnn?" I asked trying to turn to look at the girl behind the wheel.
"Skyler" she corrected with a smile.

"Get...the..." I shook my head, "it's..the drug" I smiled, laughed, "it's the drug you're not really here"

I blinked again, "Zemela? Zemela" I smiled at her.
"Awwnnn! I'm so so so so sorryyyyy! Wait! You know how to drive? Gosh that's so hotttt! You look so sexy!"

"Shhhh!" She shushed me

"Noooo.. don't shush me" I pouted, "I love you! Do I? I don't know if I love you" I cried.

"I don't know! I you love me?" I looked up at her.
She smiled, "yes baby I love you so much" she kissed me, "I love you and I care for you baby" she rubbed my cheeks, I didn't even know where we were but we weren't moving again. I drifted off after saying lots of things that I can't remember.


Filler chapter because I feel like😊

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