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You and Colt laid on Marcel's bed as he and Historia frantically searched his messy bedroom for his phone that he lost over an hour ago. Ymir was downstairs rummaging through the kitchen for a snack.

"If I don't find it in the next minute I'm gonna lose my mind," Marcel sighed, clearly exasperated.

"Let's try calling it again and maybe we'll be able to hear your ringtone this time now that some clothes are off the floor," Historia suggested.

"I guess. Y/n, Colt listen out for-"

"Wannabe by Spice Girls," You and Colt said simultaneously and then shared a grin.

Marcel rolled his eyes as Historia made the call. Faint music could be heard coming from the laundry basket in a corner of Marcel's room. He raced over and immediately started digging through the laundry basket full of clothes until he reached the bottom and pulled out an empty box of cereal. The music had stopped at that point but there was no mistaking it, the sound had been coming inside the box. Marcel opened it and peered inside. He smiled widely as he pulled out his phone.

"Yes! Historia, you are a genius!" Marcel hugged her.

"Of course she is! You're an idiot if you ever doubted her," Ymir commented as she appeared in the doorway, "Also you're out of pizza rolls."

You jumped up from the bed, "Well as fun and eventful as this was, I have to get going. Porco's picking me up tonight and surprising me for our six-month anniversary."

"Six months?" Ymir questioned, "I thought you two have been dating longer than that."

"We're not counting our first go around. We decided to start fresh and use a new anniversary date. Much to Evelyn's chagrin, she believes that if you break up and get back together, your relationship timeline unpauses not resets."

"She might be onto something," Historia chimed in.

"I don't know, if you've been broken up for an extended period of time I think it resets. I mean think about it. You or your partner may be different from who were back when the two of you were together," Marcel explained.

"But if you two weren't broken up for long then why reset instead of unpause?" Ymir asked, actually somewhat intrigued by the discussion.

"Well when you put it like that-"

"Okay before this turns into a three hour discussion, I'm going to go," You interrupted, "And be nice to Colt while I'm gone."

"Yeah, be nice to Colt!" Colt exclaimed.

"Boring!" Ymir complained.

"Why?" Marcel asked.

"Because it's a crime to be mean to pretty people," Colt joked.

"Yes!" You laughed and pointed at Colt, "And since Colt is the prettiest one here, no being mean to him!"

"Whatever," Ymir stuck her tongue out.

"Love you all! I'll see you all on Friday for movie night!" You shouted as you ran downstairs and out the front door.

You were giddy as you walked back home. Excitement building in every nerve in your body. You had no idea what Porco had planned but for the past week he had been flustered and nervous over making tonight perfect. It was sweet seeing how much effort he was putting into your anniversary and you reassured him that anything he did would be perfect.

You quickly unlocked your front door and greeted your father and Evelyn before bursting into your bedroom to get ready for tonight. As you were looking through your closet for something to wear, Evelyn came in and made herself comfortable on your bed.

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