Chapter One

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"Colt hurry your ass up. We're going to be late on the first day!" Marcel shouted from the driver's seat, panic evident in his voice.

"I'm coming! Don't get your panties in a twist!" Colt screamed back as he locked his front door. Colt made his way to the car and got in the back seat.

"Great now the whole neighborhood thinks I wear panties and we're going to be late on our first day of senior year. What took you so long anyways?"

"Okay first of all, no one thinks you're wearing panties. It's just an expression. Even if you were, Y/n wouldn't judge you for it, I probably would. Second, I was making sandwiches," Colt smiled proudly.

Colt unzipped his backpack and pulled out two ziplock bags with a sandwich in each of them.

"One for you Y/n and one for Marcel" Colt handed you each a sandwich.

"Thanks Colt," You laughed.

"Yeah thanks" Marcel said as he pulled out of the neighborhood.

"I can't believe I don't have any classes with you two until after lunch" You frowned.

"I can't believe I have gym at the end of the day. The gym teachers are going to make us run miles outside when it's a thousand degrees out," Colt complained.

"Where should we meet up for lunch?" Marcel chimed in.

"Umm well we have environmental science together before lunch and Y/n has government. Both classes are on the same side of the school they're just on different floors so I guess we can meet by the stairs?" Colt suggested.

Marcel and you nodded your heads in approval as he pulled into the school parking lot. Marcel parked near the front of the school and the three of you got out of the car. Once you made it inside the building Marcel excused himself to go to his locker since it was further away from the hallway that yours and Colt's lockers were. As you and Colt walked towards your lockers you caught a glimpse of Porco Galliard, Marley High's ultimate playboy and Marcel's brother. Despite being friends with Marcel for years and constantly hanging out at his house, the contact you've had with his brother was abysmal. When you and Colt came over, he would leave the house stating that he already had other plans. When he wasn't leaving the house, he would lock himself up in his room and didn't answer when you would invite him to hang out.

"What was that?" Colt raised an eyebrow at you.

"What was what?" You asked him clearly confused.

"You were hard-core staring at Marcel's brother."

"I was not hard-core staring. He just caught my attention for a split-second and that was it."

"Whatever you say" he shrugged, "but I don't think that's he'd be the right option for your first date."

"First date? What are you talking about?"

"Seriously? It's senior year, you're really not going to go on any dates this year again?"

"I told you, I don't have time for that. I have school, work and taking care of Evelyn when my dad's on the road working. And even if I wasn't busy, you know how my dad feels about dating in high school."

"Just think about it okay? You don't have to commit to anyone. One date once in awhile is not going to mess up your entire schedule."

You nodded your head as you reached your locker. You entered the combination and took some supplies out of your backpack to put into your locker.

"I'm going to head to class so I'll see you later" Colt smiled.

"See you at lunch." You replied. After Colt left, you realized he was kinda right earlier. Not about the staring at Porco part but about the dating part, you quickly told yourself. It would certainly be nice to go on a date. The bell rang and you closed your locker before making your way to your first class.

The morning went by faster than you expected. Your classes seem like they would be easy as long as you kept pace with the teacher through the semester. And you were glad to see at least one familiar face in each of your morning classes. As the bell for lunch rang you stuffed your folder into your backpack and made your way to the stairs to meet Marcel and Colt. When you reached the bottom of the stairs Marcel and Colt were already there and Colt looked frightened.

"Why does Colt look like that?" You asked as the three of you made your way towards the cafeteria.

"Look like what?" Colt said.

"Like you witnessed a murder and you're worried the killer is coming for you next," You asked.

"We got assigned a semester long project in environmental science. And Colt is already freaking out about it because it's a partner project" Marcel answered for Colt.

"I have that class at the end of the day. Do we get to pick our partners?" You asked.

"No," Colt chimed in, "our partners are assigned and I got Zeke Yeager."

"The guy who is a shoo-in for valedictorian?"


"And that's a problem because?"

"Because he's intimidating! I'm scared I'm going mess something up and he'll blame me for failing and messing up his perfect GPA and he'll no longer be valedictorian!"

You laughed, "Colt don't you think you're overreacting. You're not going to fail-" your sentence is cutoff when you walk straight into someone's chest. You're almost knock backwards but a hand reaches around to the small of your back steadying you. You're enveloped in the scent of cedar with a hint of citrus. Whoever I bumped into smells really good, you though, okay what the hell, that's sounds weird even in my head.

You hear a chuckle and look up, only to be met with the most breathtaking pair of hazel eyes.

"You okay there?" Porco asks.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Thank you. I'm sorry. Thank you. I'm sorry," You sputtered, not knowing whether you should apologize for bumping into him or thanking him for keeping you steady.

He laughed again, "It's alright. Just watch where you're going next time, yeah?" He untangled himself from you.

You nodded your head, not trusting yourself with words right now. He told Marcel he'd see him at home and made his way to his group of friends.

You turned to Colt and Marcel. You widened your eyes at them.

"Why didn't you tell me I was going to walk into someone?" You asked embarrassment clear in your voice.

"We didn't see him either?" Marcel gave an uneasy smile.

You rolled your eyes and walked into the cafeteria.

The rest of the day went fairly smoothly. You had calculus with Marcel and Colt after lunch and your seats were next to each other so you were pretty sure that was going to be your favorite class. You were in your last class of the day making your way to your assigned seat. You were pulling out your binder from your backpack when you saw out of the corner of your eye a guy sit down next to you. Hopefully he's cute, you thought. All day there had been cute guys in your classes but none of them seemed crush-worthy. You turned your head to catch a peek but before you could get a good look. The teacher clapped their hands.

"Welcome to environmental science with me Hange Zoë but you can just call me Hange," they said.

"Now, I'm sure you've all heard by now about the project I've assigned to my earlier classes so how about we start with finding your partners. Listen out for your name. Annie Leonhart your partner is Connie Springer," Hange calls out.

You start looking around the room wondering who you will get paired up when you finally get a good look at the guy sitting next to you. You recognized the guy as Eren Yeager, Zeke Yeager's half brother. He had transferred here sophomore year along with the entire student body of Paradis High after their school closed down. He was the captain of the Marley basketball team and certainly easy on the eyes.

Hange's voice pulls you out of your thoughts, "Y/n L/n your partner is Porco Galliard."

You looked around the room and locked eyes with Porco. You gave him a friendly smile and he nodded his head in acknowledgement. You've had worse partners before so you were fairly optimistic that you and Porco would a great pair.

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