Chapter Twenty-Five

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Content Warning: Mentions of g*ns, the chapter technically mentions laser tag g*ns but I wanted to be precautious and put a warning here.

The morning light poured in from your windows and woke Porco up. You still had your eyes closed but you could tell he was staring at you.

"After six days straight, I can say with absolute certainty that I would never grow tired of waking up to your face every morning," Porco whispered, voice raspy from sleep.

In the week since you and Porco shared his bed, you and him had become incredibly comfortable with physical touch from each other. He could come up and hug you from behind, even kiss your cheek or forehead without having to warn you and you wouldn't bat an eye. You would drag your finger across his jawline and he would only hum contently at the sensation. He also found it much easier to fall asleep each night if he had you by his side. Which is how he has spent every night since then. Your father had left for work again Sunday afternoon after having lunch with you and your sister. That night Porco had knocked on your window with his backpack in one hand and a duffel bag in the other. He asked if he could stay the night with you. You agreed almost immediately. He kept coming back every night that week.

It was nice to be physically close to Porco but it wasn't enough to calm the gnawing feeling in your stomach that this was all going to be stripped from you in the coming weeks. As it stood, you only had three weeks left before Porco's and Marcel's birthday and therefore, you only had three weeks left with Porco before your break-up.

"If you put a ring on it someday, we could put your theory to the test," You grumbled, still not opening your eyes.

"Don't tempt me, I might just do it," He teased.

He tried to get up from the bed but you pulled him back down.

"Five more minutes," Your voice was muffled as you pressed your face into his chest.

"Okay five more minutes then we have to get up and I'll cook breakfast yeah?" He suggested.

You made a sound of approval and Porco chuckled. He rubbed soothing circles on your back as you fell asleep again. When the sunlight was too strong for you to ignore, you woke up and realized way more time than five minutes had passed. You noticed that Porco was no longer by your side and groaned. You got out of bed and walked to the kitchen where Evelyn was sitting at the kitchen table and Porco was cooking something on the stove. You went over to Porco and pressed a light kiss to his shoulder.

"Look who finally got out of bed," Porco flipped a pancake as he spoke.

You sat down next to Evelyn and Porco brought you a plate of pancakes. He sat down across from you with his own plate. Evelyn kept looking between you and Porco.

"What is it?" You asked her.

"This just feels weird. Having breakfast like this," She answered, "It feels too domestic."

"Too domestic?" You didn't understand what she was trying to get at.

She shook her head, "Never mind it's nothing."

You opened your mouth to reassure her that she could open up to you but Porco spoke up first.

"Hey Ev, you know you can tell us anything right?" Porco said gently, concern was evident on his face.

She took a moment to study his face before nodding her head.

"It's just seeing you two being affectionate with each other and Porco making us breakfast and you and him take me out to places like the movies and other little things like that. It feels like we're a little family sometimes and... I wish I had this growing up," Her eyes had glassed over as she tried to hold back her tears, "Ah I'm sorry, I guessed I spoiled the mood huh."

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