Chapter Thirty

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"It was all fake?!" Colt cried out.

"Yup," You answered him, "but like the idiot I am I still fell for him."

"You're not an idiot. You can't help how you feel," Marcel reassured you, taking your hand in his and rubbing soothing circles with his thumb.

"Porco is to blame for this. I ought pistol whip the little bastard for breaking your heart," Ymir's brows furrowed in anger.

"Count me in!" Colt pumped his fist in the air.

"No one is pistol whipping my brother," Marcel sighed, "except maybe me."

Ymir glared at him.

"I said maybe!" He pointed out.

"We can worry about Porco later. Right now Y/n needs our love and support," Historia spoke up.

You smiled at her and she wrapped her arms around you to hug you. The others followed suit. They hug you for a long while. Ymir offered to take you to some party next weekend and introduce you to some new guys. You turned her down and tell her all you need is your friends by your side.

They stayed with you until the sun set, watching your favorite movies, ordering your favorite foods and letting you cry or yell or make whatever ridiculous joke you want whenever you feel like it.

When your father and sister got back from dinner that night. You told them that you and Porco had broken up. Your father had reached out to comfort you but you assured him that you were fine. The break-up was mutual you told them, you and Porco felt that the two of you were better off as friends. That you both realized there weren't any romantic feelings between the two of you. Your father seemed to accept your answer but Evelyn frowned during your entire explanation and stormed off to her room.

That night Porco texted you that he told his friends and parents about the break-up. He told you that Marcel should go back to giving you rides but other than that not much has to change. He could still hang out with you. He could still sit with you at lunch. He could still walk you to your classes. You didn't answer him back because all you wanted to tell him that believing not much has to change is wishful thinking.

The next morning, Evelyn didn't talk much to you and was in a sour mood. Marcel and Colt came to pick you up and take you to school. It felt weird but oddly comforting to be back inside Marcel's car. The car ride was mostly silent with Colt making a few comments here and there about his plans for the week. Marcel seemed tired, not making jokes like he usually did in the mornings. When you asked what was wrong, he explained he talked to Porco when he got home and while they didn't argue, Marcel had to conceal his real reason for being a little pissed off at Porco which was draining to say the least.

"I'm upset that he hurt you even if he doesn't know it but he's my brother. I can't be completely mad at him," He pressed his lips into a thin line. 

"I know and I don't expect you to. Even I'm not mad at him," Was all you said and that was all the reassurance Marcel needed.

You fidgeted with the keychains on your backpack. You were nervous to head inside the school building. There was no doubt in your mind that most people would already know about yours and Porco's break-up. The thought of all those eyes watching you and all those lips whispering about you made your stomach churn. On top that, you didn't how you were supposed to act around Porco now that you two were back to being just friends.

Standing in front of your opened locker, you didn't have to strain your ears to hear a few girls and guys whispering about you. You wanted to turn around and tell them to get lost and worry about their own damn lives instead of yours but seeing as Marcel and Colt had already headed to their first class you didn't want to say anything while you were outnumbered.

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