Chapter Twenty-Six

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The next morning you hardly recognized yourself in the bathroom mirror. The bags under your eyes had increased tenfold and your eyes had a dullness to them. You felt a coldness all over your body. Not a jacket nor a blanket could warm you up. Not even the heat of a thousand fires could do so. You sought a warmth only Porco Galliard could provide.

You didn't even why you would let Eren blatantly flirt with you. Sure it was mostly for Porco so that he could practice controlling his jealousy but you knew that Eren's presence alone riled Porco up without explanation. You could have flirted with anyone else at any other time and it wouldn't have ended in a fight. So why there with Eren? Why did you do it?

Evelyn asked where Porco was when you came into the kitchen. She dropped her spoon into her bowl of cereal when you had told her that Porco went home last night after the two of you fought.

"Are you upset?" You asked.

"Nope, why would I be?" Evelyn looked up at you confused.

"Because of what you said last night."

"Please. I've seen the way that man looks at you. He adores you. I'd give him a day before he comes back here crawling on his knees for forgiveness even if you're the one in the wrong."

"We'll see. In the meantime I'm going to ask Marcel if give me a ride to school until further notice."

Evelyn was indeed wrong. She had forgotten to factor in how stubborn Porco could be so when Wednesday afternoon rolled around with no word from Porco, she recanted her statement. The radio silence from Porco has been defeating to say the least. At times it seemed like he was avoiding you. You could hardly sleep at night and the second he walked into the cafeteria you'd lose your appetite. Marcel and Colt took immediate notice of this. Colt tried to force food down your throat while Marcel carried around a few snacks like fruit gummies and granola bars in his backpack that he would tried to get you to eat in between classes. They also tried countless ways to help you sleep including compiling a playlist of scientifically proven songs designed to help you fall asleep. Ymir and Historia had tried to cheer you up by taking you out to get your favorite foods. While you appreciated their efforts, they had all been in vain. You didn't know not having Porco around would affect you this much. You knew he had become an integral part of your life but you didn't realize the consequences of that should he no longer be a part of it.

"I thought Porco would have apologized by now, sorry," Evelyn said meekly which was very unlike her.

"S'fine. We'll get past this, we have to," You replied.

"I got a call from her while you where still in school."

You knew exactly who Evelyn was referring. She always had difficulty calling your mother 'mother' because she was almost a stranger to Evelyn. Despite your memories of your mother, you never really felt like you knew her either.

"What did she say?"

"She's excited that we agreed to see her. But the funny thing is that I didn't focus on what she was saying. I was more focused on how she was saying it. She seems really upbeat."


Evelyn nodded, "She laughed at something, I don't remember what and her laugh sounded just like yours."

"You're the only person who has ever said to me."

"Dad doesn't like talking about her. Neither do you. To anyone."

You inhaled sharply, "I've never been able to talk about her, what it was like with her here, without it hurting. And sometimes I feel all the memories are growing fuzzy like any pieces that I have left of her l can no longer see but the pain of them stay. That's why I agreed to meet with her in the place so I can finally heal. I've spent so much time stuck in this state of hurt and I'm tired. Too tired to run away from this. I told Porco that I need to see her even if it hurts because when I get her answers to my questions no matter what they may be I'll finally heal."

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