Chapter Six

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There you were standing in front of the Galliard residence on a Friday afternoon once again. This time it was Marcel who answered the door.

"Oh hey Y/n. What are you doing here? Not that I mind seeing you." Marcel spoke.

You laughed, "Hi Marcel. I'm here to see Porco."

"Again? Is there something you want to tell me?"

"There's nothing to tell. We're just working on our project."

"Mm-hmm sure. Well, I gotta head to work. Catch you later."

"Bye Marcel."

After Marcel left, you made your way upstairs to Porco's room.

"Hello Porco" You greeted as you plopped down on his bed.

He turned around in chair to face you, "Hey Y/n."

"Okay so I can't stay long because I'm going to the movie theater with my sister so let's get started."

"What movie are you two going to watch?"

"She wants to watch that new horror-" You were interrupted by the ding of Porco's phone.

"I'm sorry. Go on."

"As I was saying, it's a like demonic possession movie with-"

The phone dinged again. And again. And again. Porco scrambled to silence it.

"Okay who wants to talk to you so bad?"

"Oh it's this girl I met that works at the bowling alley. Her name's Pamela and-"

"What are you doing? I thought you wanted to become the perfect boyfriend? Pieck's Mr.Right?"

"I do but in the mean time I'm technically not off the market so I'm having a little fun."

He was about to reply but you snatched his phone away from him.

"Nope. If you want to show Pieck your relationship material you have to stop flirting with other girls right now."

"But Y/n, getting into a relationship with Pieck could take months from now."

"No buts. This is what it's going to take and if you can't handle this then we'll end it."

"No, I can handle this. Now can I have my phone back please?"

"No. I'm going to keep it so you don't text her back. In fact, you're going to join my sister and I at the movies tonight. And while we're there you won't be able to flirt with any of the female employees."

"Why would I agree to this?"

"Because it's a test to see if you're really up to the challenge of becoming Pieck's dream guy and also because if you succeed I'll give you your phone back."


"Then once you get your phone back, any girl you're flirting with, her number has to be deleted from your contacts."

Porco frowned, "Fine."

"Great! Now let's work on the project we've been neglecting."

Around eight o'clock you decided it was time to go home and check in with your dad before going to the movies with Porco and your sister.

"I'm gonna go home real quick and check in with my dad and make sure my sister's ready to go. I'll see you in thirty."

"Let me walk you home."

"It's fine, you don't have to do that. I literally live two houses down."

Porco rolled his eyes, "I know I don't have to but I want to."

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