Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Your eyes scanned the area underneath your bed for the sixth time. Your ears perked up at the sound of Evelyn exiting the laundry room. You got up from the floor and rushed over to her.

"Was it mixed in with your laundry?" You asked her, giving her a hopeful look.

She swallowed, "Nope. Are you sure you've checked everywhere?"

"I've triple checked every place possible."

"It's been four days already. Just tell Porco you've lost the damn necklace. I'm sure he can get you a new one."

"I can't tell him!"

It had been four days since the necklace that Porco had given you with his birthstone went missing. Normally, you took it off before bed and put it back on first thing in the morning. However, you noticed one morning that it was no longer on your nightstand where you usually kept it. You didn't ask Porco if he had seen it because you didn't want to make him think you lost it when you were certain you had simply misplaced it. Luckily, he hadn't asked about it. And after his parents caught him sneaking out to sleep at your place and threatened to ground him if they caught him sneaking out again, he hadn't been around your house to wonder about where the necklace has gone.

"You mean you won't tell him."

"Can't, won't, that's not important. What's important is that we find that necklace before he notices I haven't been wearing it."

"I don't know how you lost it in the first place, when you're not wearing it you don't let it out of your sight."

"Less talking more looking."

Evelyn didn't get to respond as the sound of the door bell ringing silenced her. You went into another room signaling to Evelyn that she would be the one answering the door. She huffed as she walked over to the front door. You couldn't hear Evelyn and whoever was at the door from where you were so it startled you when Evelyn yelled out your name. You ran to her only to see her giving you an impish smile. 

"Porco's here to pick you up," She moved out of the door frame revealing Porco standing outside.

"Hi Y/n," The way Porco spoke your name with such tenderness followed by a soft smile made your heart speed up.

"Hey Pock," You greeted him, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to pick you up for our two-month anniversary."

Oh shit.

"That's today?"

He bit his lip to keep his smile from widening. He didn't seem the least bit disappointed that you forgot but you still apologized.

"I'm so sorry. It totally slipped my mind and i didn't even get you a present-"

"It's fine really. I don't need a gift. I want to celebrate with you. That'll satisfy me more than any gift."

"Aww that's so sweet it's making me sick," Evelyn teased before slipping away into her room.

"Shall we?" Porco held out his hand.

"I'm not dressed for a night out. Let me change into something else."

"There's no need for that. What you're already wearing is just fine. We aren't going anywhere formal."

You glimpsed at his clothes and noticed that while he was not dressed in the same clothes he wore to school that day, he was still dressed casually. You looked down at your clothes and shrugged your shoulders. You thought they were good enough. You took Porco's hand which was still outstretched towards you. You yelled at Evelyn to lock the door behind you and to tell your father you were going out as you let Porco guide you to his car.

Making Mr. Right || Porco Galliard x ReaderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα