Chapter Eleven

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You were in your living room browsing for something to watch when you heard the doorbell ring. Who could that be? Evelyn has a key and Colt and Marcel aren't coming over for another hour. You opened your front door and there stood Evelyn and Udo.

"Good afternoon Y/n!" Udo cheered.

"Hi Udo," You greeted.

"We just got back from the arcade," He pointed behind him and you saw Falco, Gabi and Zofia waving from Zofia's mother's car.

You laughed and waved back.

"I wanted to walk Evelyn to her door," Udo averted his gaze downwards in an attempt to hide his growing blush.

"That's so sweet of you Udo," You beamed.

"I'll see you at school on Monday Evelyn," He told your sister.

"See you at school Udo," She replied before walking inside your house, her blush just as intense as Udo's.

Udo stood in front of the door until Evelyn was out of sight and then waved bye to you before walking back to the car. After you shut the door, you walked back over to the living room where your sister was making herself comfortable on the couch.

"When were you going to tell me that you like Udo?" You tried to contain your grin.

She huffed, "Is it that obvious?"

"Yes, but for what it's worth I think he likes you too."

"Really?" She looked hopeful.

"Really but you're too young to date so Udo is going to stay a crush. You hear me?"

She frowned, "Loud and clear."

"Good, now we have about an hour before Marcel and Colt come over for the Flames of Love marathon so what do you want to watch in the mean time?"

You handed your sister the television remote and she found a cooking show for the two of you to watch while you waited for the boys to arrive. Thirty minutes later, there was a knock at the door. The boys had shown up early.

"I'll get it," You told Evelyn.

As soon as you opened the front door you were met with Marcel, Colt and Porco.

"Hey guys?" You were confused as to why Porco had shown up to your house.

"Hope you don't mind the intrusion Y/n but Colt here told me I just had to join you all for this marathon because and I quote 'the show is life-altering'" Porco chuckled.

"Once you watch it you will all agree with me," Colt declared.

"I don't mind at all," You chimed in and motioned for the boys to come inside.

Marcel and Colt immediately headed to the kitchen to look for snacks. You heard Evelyn call out to them to make popcorn. Before you went back to the living room Porco pulled you aside.

"What time do you get off work tomorrow?" Porco whispered.

"My shift ends at six in the afternoon," Your face wore a puzzled expression, "Why do you want to know?"

"Do you have any plans afterwards?"

"No. What's with all the questions?"

"You do now."


"Everyone sit down!" Colt shouted from the other room.

Porco walked away before you could question him further. You rolled your eyes and headed in the direction of Colt's voice. In the living room, you saw that Evelyn was seated between Marcel and Colt on the larger couch, leaving you to sit next to Porco on the smaller one. You sat down a little ways away from Porco, not knowing whether he was comfortable with you being so close. He had been the one initiate most of the physical contact between the two of you. Porco noticed the distance but didn't say anything. Your attention shifted to Colt who stood in front of the television.

"Okay before we start the show I would appreciate it if you could all direct your attention to the screen," Colt was bouncing in place, "I have prepared a PowerPoint presentation called 'Everything You Need To Know Before Watching Flames of Love'."

The rest of you shared a glance before turning your attention back to Colt.

"The premise of the show is twenty singles live in a house together and based on astrological birth charts their ideal match is in the house. They'll have to spend the entire summer trying to figure out who their ideal match is," Colt was getting more excited by the second, "On this slide we have the first five contestants."

"He really takes this stuff seriously huh?" Porco whispered as he leaned closer to you.

You leaned in as well, "Oh yeah. There was this one time, we were at Colt's house and-"

"Y/n! I know what you are about to say! We promised we take that story to the grave!" Colt panicked.

"Right! My bad, please continue with your presentation," You smiled apologetically.

Colt sighed and continued talking. You hadn't realized how close Porco had gotten to you but you didn't move away. After another ten minutes of Colt talking, he started the show. A few of the singles' introductions were a little cheesy but the show was fairly entertaining. By the halfway point of the season, you were fully invested.

"Okay break time so we can order dinner!" Marcel announced.

Evelyn stood up and went to grab her phone from her room to order dinner. Colt excused himself to grab a drink and Marcel went to put some used dishes in the sink, leaving you alone with Porco.

"What did you mean earlier? When you said I have plans for tomorrow?" You asked Porco, your head resting against shoulder.

He chuckled, "I meant that I'm taking you and Evelyn out tomorrow."


"It's a surprise. I thought we could get another lesson in before the weekend was over since things are speeding up with Pieck."

"Oh yeah of course."

He smiled and the rest of the group came back into the room. Colt started the next episode. About twenty minutes later the food arrived and you all were too enthralled to eat dinner in the kitchen so you all sat on the floor and used the coffee table to set your food down on. Sometime during the second half of the season you all sat down on the couches again. Porco suddenly turned his body so that he was laying horizontally with his head in your lap.

"I'm getting kinda of sleepy," He explained.

You didn't question it. While watching the show your right hand started playing with Porco's hair. He didn't seem to mind, you even saw a small smile on his lips. He reached over and grabbed your left hand and laid it on his chest with his hand covering yours. If the others thought it was strange to they didn't say anything.

Everyone was too tired to go home by the time the season was over. You offered to let boys stay the night, stating they could decide among themselves who got to stay in the guest room and who had to share the air mattress. You told the boys good night and made sure Evelyn was in bed before going to your own room. Sleep overtook your body the second your head made contact with your pillow.

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