Chapter Seven

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"We're here," Porco announced as he parked the car.

You got out of the car and looked up to see you three were at a mini golf course.

"Mini golf?" You questioned.

"Glow-in-the-dark mini golf," Porco corrected.

"It's late, is the place even still open?"

"Nope, but I know someone who works here and she'll let us play after hours," He grinned.

"What are we waiting for then? Let's go inside," Your sister cheered.

Porco led the way and knocked on the front entrance of the building four times. The door opened and Porco smiled.

"Hey Annie," Porco greeted.

"Hello," Annie replied, "How many?"

"It's just the three of us."

Annie motioned for you all to come inside. She walked behind the counter and handed Porco three golf balls and pointed to a bin where the golf clubs were. Porco thanked her and the three of you walked over to the bin. After you each picked a golf club, you walked over to the first hole.

"Okay so we can't play the entire course because I have to get you two home before midnight," Porco announced, "but I promise I'll bring you two back here sometime and we play the entire thing."

You found yourself smiling at Porco's words as your sister set down her golf ball. You and Porco stood a little ways behind her so that she wouldn't hit either of you while swinging.

"Is this a regular occurance? Mini-golf after hours?" You asked.

"Yeah, the guys and I come here to bother Annie all the time," Porco joked.

"Well are you any good? It'd be shame if you were bad at mini-golf since you're here so often" You laughed.

"I'm the best. No one ever beaten me."

Not even a second after Porco finished speaking, your sister swung her club and made a hole in one.

"Until today," She turned around and smirked.

"Oh it's game on," Porco challenged.

Porco took his turn and also made a hole in one. You however, weren't exactly a mini-golf champion. You were decent but you certainly weren't at the level Porco and Evelyn were. Luckily since it was the first hole of the course, you were also able to make it in one try. While Evelyn was taking her turn at the second hole, Porco took the opportunity to ask a question that had been weighing heavily on his mind.

"Why haven't you been on a date? I know we talked about this before but I want to know the real reason why and don't give me that bullshit excuse of not having enough time. Is Eren really the reason you haven't dated anyone?" Porco asked, he looked a little tense.

"It's not a bullshit excuse, as you so eloquently called it, when it's the truth. I really didn't have the time to date. My dad's usually gone for work so when I'm not at school or at work I'm taking care of Evelyn," You sighed.

"And Eren?"

"He doesn't have anything to do with why I don't date. I just already had so many responsibilities that I couldn't imagine having time for a relationship."

"Do you see that changing anytime soon?"

"Well I put in my two weeks at the diner already to spend more time at home but I think I can work some dates into my schedule as long as my dad's cool with it."

Porco raised an eyebrow.

"My dad's kinda strict about me dating. He thinks boys are a distraction so he's always discouraged me from dating."

Porco nodded, "I get where he's coming from. So you haven't been on a date but have you had your first kiss?"


"Are you going to say who?"

"I don't kiss and tell."

"Can't you tell just this once?"

"Why do you want to know who my first kiss was?"


"Haven't you heard the expression curiosity killed the cat?"

"And haven't you heard the part about how satisfaction brought it back?"

"Alright I'll tell you if you tell me who your first kiss was."


"It was Jean Kirschtein."

"I bet the kiss was terrible," Porco said rather quickly.

"What makes you say that?"

"I don't know. He just looks like a bad kisser. When did you two cross paths anyways?"

You rolled your eyes, "The summer before junior year, Sasha Braus's pool party. I was there with Marcel and Colt. While they were swimming I went to grab a drink and he was in the kitchen. He made a joke, I laughed. We started talking and one thing led to another and we kissed. End of story."

"That's it?"

"Yeah and turns out our kiss actually helped him get into his current relationship."

"So you helped him get in his current relationship with like the love of his life and all you got was a terrible kiss."

"I never said it was a bad kiss. You're the one that keeps repeating that. Moving on, it's your turn."

"But you never said it was a good kiss either."

You frowned and Porco took the hint, "My first kiss was when I was thirteen and it was with a girl named Mina in her tree house."

"That's sweet."

"It was until her older brother caught us and started chasing me around the neighborhood. Luckily their mom called them both for dinner."

The conversation ended there as your sister finished her turn. The three of you continued to play until you reached the halfway point of the course. It was twenty five minutes before midnight and Porco decided it was time to take you and your sister home. The three of you thanked Annie and waited for her to lock up and drive off before getting into Porco's car. The ride back home was filled with mindless chatter about what everyone's plans were for the next day. You and your sister were going to spend the morning with your dad before he leaves town again for work. Porco was going to hang out with his friends at the bowling alley and you reminded him no flirting with Pamela. He agreed as his car pulled up in front of your house.

"I had a lot of fun tonight," He grinned.

"Me too," You returned his grin.

"Me three," Your sister chimed in.

You handed Porco back his phone as reward for not flirting with any girls tonight. He thanked you and you got out of his car. Your sister was already at the front door when Porco appeared next to you.

"What are you doing?" You asked.

"Walking you to your door," He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

As the two of you reached the front door, your dad opened it.

"Six minutes before midnight, cutting it close aren't we?" Your dad joked.

"Bye Porco," your sister said as she walked into the house.

"Thanks for bringing back my girls in one piece," Your dad reached out to shake Porco's hand. Porco took your father's hand gingerly. Your father then excused himself and went back inside to give you two a minute alone.

"Good night Y/n," Porco spoke softly like speaking too harshly would disrupt the serene silence that had enveloped the neighborhood.

"Good night Porco," You replied in a gentle whisper.

You made your way inside the house and you were halfway to your room when you realized you were still wearing Porco's jacket. You turned back around to return it but by the time you got outside, Porco was already gone. I'll just return it the next time I see him, possibly...not, it was really comfortable and warm and it smelled nice. Yeah, he's never getting this jacket back.

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