Chapter Nine

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It was Tuesday afternoon and you were sitting in your last class of the day. The bell had just rung signaling the end of the school day. You were putting your textbook in your backpack when Eren turned to face you.

"So are you absolutely sure you don't need me to give you a ride to Connie's party? I don't mind," Eren leaned closer to you.

You leaned in as well, "I'm sure. Porco's giving me a ride. Maybe some other time."

The both of you stood up.

"Let me give you a ride home today then," Eren smirked.

Before you could answer, you felt a hand intertwine with yours.

"No thanks, Y/n already has a ride home," Porco chimed in, his face set in a frowned, "and we have to get going."

Porco gently tugged you away from Eren and towards the classroom door. You waved bye to Eren and let yourself be guided away by Porco. Porco was supposed to come over to your house today so during lunch he had come up to your usual table and suggested he give you a ride home.

"He's interested in you," Porco said as he entered his car.

"You think so?" You asked.

"Definitely. He gets all tense whenever I'm near you. Play hard to get and you'll have him in the palm of your hand in no time."

You shrugged, "I'm not going to play any games with him. I'm not interested in the chase. If he likes me then he should do something about it."

Porco grinned, "I like that."

You grinned back at him and turned up the volume on the stereo as Porco pulled out of the school parking lot.

Opening the door to your house you called out to your sister and she came out of her room to greet you and Porco. You told Porco to make himself comfortable on your couch as you prepared a snack for your sister, him and you.

"Do you like apples?" You asked Porco.

He nodded in response. You cut up some apple slices and orange slices for your sister and she took the bowl to her room. You walked over to where Porco was seated and handed him a plate with some apple slices. He took the plate and you sat down next to him.

"Okay so you mentioned that Pieck wants someone who won't make her compete for his attention," You said.

"Right," Porco replied before he popped an apple slice into his mouth.

You thought for a moment before a idea suddenly came to mind.

"Then at the party you have to talk to Pieck and give her your undivided attention all night. You will not look at other girls. Instead, you will focus on Pieck and make her feel like she is the only person in the room, the only person worth listening to and talking to at the party. Did you understand your mission?" You said with intensity obvious in your voice.

"Yes I understand. You can tone it down a little. You sound like a drill sergeant rather than my friend giving me advice."

You couldn't help the smile that spread across your face, "You just called me your friend."

Porco looked puzzled, "Well yeah, we are friends aren't we? I mean I did tell you a secret I haven't told anyone else."

"Yeah of course we're friends. Well, I consider us friends but it's nice to hear you confirm it."

"Are you sure this plan is going to work?" Porco asked, changing the subject.

"Honestly, I have no idea if this is going to work. I told you before I have no dating experience. But luckily for you, I'm not completely clueless because Colt and I have read way too many romance novels and have watched way too many rom-coms to be considered healthy."

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