Chapter Thirteen

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"Y/n, why does everybody think you're dating my brother?" Marcel's brows furrowed as he repeated himself.

"I don't know. This is the first time I'm hearing about this," The panic in your voice was evident.

"It's just a rumor," Colt tried to comfort you and Marcel but his shaky voice panicked you two even more.

"How does a rumor like this even get started?" You questioned looking between the two boys standing in front of you.

Marcel and Colt shrugged their shoulders.

"Who told you that Porco and I are dating?" You sighed.

"I heard it from Ymir who heard it from Sasha who said she heard from Connie but I don't know who Connie heard it from," Colt spoke, voice still unsteady, "Then I told Marcel during class."

You were just about to respond when Porco suddenly appeared next to you.

"I need to talk to Y/n privately so she'll meet you in the cafeteria in a few minutes," Porco explained, grabbing your arm and guiding you away before you or Marcel and Colt could object.

He led you to an empty corridor and let go of your arm.

"Why does everyone think we're dating?" He seemed just as panicked as you.

"I don't know. Why does everyone keep asking me like I know the answer?" You whispered despite no one else being near you.

"It doesn't matter. The damage is done. Apparently people have noticed I haven't hung around any girls other than you. And people have spotted us together a few times so someone assumed we're dating and word gets out fast around here."

"Can't we just tell people that we're not dating?"

Porco shook his head, "No, we can't do that. If we tell everyone that we're not dating, they'll assume we're hooking up. Imagine how that'll look to Pieck, I tell her that I'm not fooling around and I'm ready to get serious with someone and next thing she knows I'll back to the same old thing."

"So what are we supposed to do?"

"I have an idea but I'm not sure you'll like it."

"I'm listening."

"We," He paused, unsure if he should continue but did so anyways, "we tell everyone that we're dating that way it won't look like we were hooking up and it'll show Pieck that I wasn't lying about getting into a serious relationship."

Your eyes widened but you tried to understand where Porco was coming from, "Okay so your plan is that we go along with this rumor and tell everyone we're dating but for how long are we going to pretend?"

"Just for a little while so we look like we're in a real relationship and here's a fun bonus, we can still continue our lessons. As our fake relationship goes on, I'll gain experience and you'll continue to teach me and by the time it comes for us to break up I'll be the perfect boyfriend for Pieck. So what do you say?"

"I say you're out of your mind and this plan sound even crazier than the one we're currently in. We have no idea if it'll work and so many things can go wrong. With all that said, I'm in."


"Yeah, it's the best option we have. I don't want people thinking we were fooling around and I don't want Pieck to think negatively of you. Now let me-"

You stopped talking the second you felt Porco wrap his arms around you. You hugged him back.

When he finally let go he told you, "Thank you Y/n. Seriously, thank you. I keep dragging you into these insane plans and you keep going along with them and helping me so thank you."

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