The days the day.

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15th May.

I was woken by Rafe next to me, I'd stayed at his house from the 7th to now.
I look up to see him in a suit "you look awl-fully nice" I smile, wrapping the bed sheets around my body as I watch him do up his tie.
"Yeah courts in a few hours, need to meet my attorney, go through a few things" he brightly grinned down at me before kissing my head.
"I'll see you later I love you" he grabbed his phone and keys before waking down stairs.

My face dropped from its soft smile, shit.
Court was today. I'd totally forgot about it, I'd been so happy, I was practically living here.
I get up dropping the blanket from my body, quickly changing into my clothes.
I make the bed before leaving to go to my house.
Court was in 2 hours.
Rafe was going to see me.
I'd totally fucked it.

"You should've told him!" Sage shouted at me as I explained what happened.
"I know! I know! I chickened out- I didn't want to lose him, he's more then just someone I hook up with he's my friend, I love him!" My palms rub my eyes.
"It's to late to turn back now" she shook her head at me.
She reached into my closet setting out some black jeans and a jumper.

"Maybe he'll forgive you?" She shrugged, my eyes started to water.
"He won't" my voice cracks, he wouldn't forgive me, I knew that.
"You don't know that Kat" Sage rubbed my shoulder softly.
We sat there in silence before Sage jumped up like a light bulb suddenly lit.
"Tell him before court- there's two hours!" She quickly threw me some underwear and a bra.

"It will be better to come from you- then just seeing you in court" she nodded before she also started to change clothing.
"I don't even know where he is!" I jump up anyway changing into the god horrible outfit
"Who cares we'll find him!" She nodded, we got ready, brushing out teeth, hair and doing our makeup before heading out.

"I told you he wouldn't be here!" We stand in a lonely hallway outside the court room, we have an hour and a half until court.
"He's meeting his attorney I told you-" I look round seeing men and women in suits coming out a room at then end.
"Maybe his house or Wards?" Sage suggested also staring at the suited people.
"It's worth a try" I shrug, we walk out towards the car.

Rafe Cameron's POV

I arranged to meet my attorney, run down on what might happen today.
After I sit down shaking his hand, I sip out of my coffee as I look at him, he was flicking through his files.
"Alright Arron , what will happen first?" I questioned, Arron Wash was a family friend. He was also a hell of an attorney, I've met him more then once.

"So, we will go in first. We will sit down on the left. The judge will call in a whiteness one by one. Jeremy will probably be last to take the stand and say his statement. After that and what they have to say, you'll make yours to all of the witnesses and the judge will decide what happens next" Arron crossed his fingers looking over the table at me.
"Alright, straight forward" I nod nervously.
He coughed raising his brow "any questions?" Arron obviously picked up on my unsettled behaviour.

"What will happen if the judge doesn't drop the charges or doesn't say I'm forgiven?" I blinked faster then usual.
"Well we could appeal again- but we can only by law appeal once more. I'm afraid if it doesn't go our way then Cameron development won't be abled to deal with the businesses you want to" Arron smiled awkwardly, giving me an apologetic look.
"Ok, my statement. I've wrote it I'd like if you could read through it, make sure it's ok" I slide over a piece of paper.

This had to go well. My Dad would surely drop me from the company if I was holding him back.
I couldn't blame him.

Katerina's POV
I run up to Wards house, hopefully Sarah or Wheezie would open the door.
Ward was still away working, he would come back from time to time.
"Kathrine? What do you want?" Rose answered the door, she seemed to be in a bad mood.
I thought she was with Ward for a while?
Obviously not.
"Is Rafe here?" I try peer over her shoulder to get a look.
The blonde scoffed "no? He doesn't live here" she rolled her eyes.

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