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I have been in the cell for at least an hour.
Just pacing hoping that I don't go to jail for this.
"It's your lucky day" a random cop opens up my cell , glaring at me.
I walk out to see Rafe .
"What the fuck are you doing here" I didn't care if he bailed me out I hate him and always will.
"Im bailing you out for your Dad , he's outside by the way" Rafe takes the form from the police officer.
"We'll post it" Rafe puts his hand on the bottom of my back pushing me towards the exit .
I push his arm away from me when we get outside.

"Kat!" The whole crew was outside waiting for me.
I smile and go to run up to them.
But as I'm about to my Dad grabs me in a fire man lift .
"Let go of her!" John B tries to get my Dad to give me up but it was no use.
"I'll see you later guys really I'm fine!" I'm shoved into the back of the car while my Father drives and Rafe sits in the Front.
"Do You know how embarrassed I am!" My father screams as he drives faster.
"Embarrassed? Your embarrassed because I sank a boat really?" I laugh mocking him , god he's a twat.
"What's so fucking funny?" My father hears my laugh.
"What's funny is the fact your embarrassed over a boat and not embarrassed about being a shitty father" I call him out kicking the back of his seat making him jolt forward stopping the car.

"I swear to god you do that again , I'll make you wish that I never accepted Rafes offer to bail you out!"
I look confused at my father not knowing what he was saying.
"I didn't even want to bail you out! So I didn't! It was Rafe who paid for your useless Ass to be bailed" my father starts the car and we arrive home.
I see the Cameron's car in the drive way.
They must all be inside.
Except Sarah of course.
"Get out the car Kat" my Father opens my door.
I don't move , I just glare at him.
He grabs me out of the car pushing me towards the house.
"We are having a family dinner with the Cameron's go get dressed now!" I scoff and roll my eyes.
"Your room now!" I huff and walk up to my room.

Of course I wasn't staying here I'd get my shit and sneak out.
As soon as I enter my room my Dad locks the door behind me.
"Dad?!" I bang on the door begging for him to unlock it.
I rush to the windows trying to open them.
They were also locked.
I needed to call my mum.
I reach for my cell phone but it isn't there.
Rafe .
He snatched it when we came out the police station.
It's been a hour and half , I still here everyone down stairs laughing.
Those Ass holes .

It was getting boiling in my room with no air flow.
I take my top off and look at my back that was still badly bruised from Toppers golf club.
That and a few bruises on my arms from being pushed on the ground at the movies were the only bruises left that were very pigmented.
My black eye and my stomach bruises from Barry had gone.
I might be stuck in here but I'll pack my shit anyway.
I pack my fav clothes that I still had at my fathers most of my stuff was at my mums .
Surely the Pouges will tell my mum that my Dad took me?
Although I don't want them too, imagine my mum coming here.
Finding out about Jenna and Alice she'd be so embarrassed.

I hear the door suddenly unlock.
It's Rafe .
Rafe brings in a tray of food as he locks the door behind him.
"Here" he puts the Tray on my bed.
I pick up my glass of water and throw the whole glass at him.
Water covering him , glass breaking on the floor.
"You fucking asshole!" I shout pushing him into the back of my door.
I start hitting him frantically going crazy.
He grabs me pining me down on my bed by my wrists.
He straddles me as he takes a deep breath .
"Let go of me!" I shout , my hands pinned above my head.
"Promise you'll be good?"
I growl "I'm not a fucking child!"
He laughs at me , putting more pressure on my wrists .
"Your acting like one"

I huff calming down.
He lets go and reaches into his back pocket .
"This what you want?" My phone bingo.
I nod trying to grab it.
He pulls the phone out of my reach getting off me crossing his arms as he leans against my draws.
"This isn't what I expected your room to look like" he says honestly, I sit up on my bed glaring at the boy.
"You imagine what my room looks like?" My face full of disgust.
"No , I just thought it would be more- I dunno dark? More out doorsy" he laughs as he looks at baby pics of me and Sarah.
"This isn't my room it never was , now give me my phone or so help me god I'll-" he steps forward raising his brow.
"What will you do? Shoot me Kitty Kat?" I bite my tounge .
"Give me my phone"

"Look I'm trying to be nice , i didn't blame you for the boat thing , I bailed you out-" I stand up aggressively.
"Bailed me out! What a joke! After you and your fuck faced friend snitched us out!" He puts his hands in front of him telling me to back up.
"First off , no I didn't snitch , second your lucky I bailed you out or you'd be off to jail right now , unless your mommy got some money to bail you out? Because your Dad was sure as hell not doing it" he smirks waiting for me to snap back at him.
I turn , my back to him as I look for something to threaten him with.

I feel his presence behind me, closer then before, his finger tips graze my bruised back.
I turn sharply almost falling over from the speed I turned.
"What are you doing" I look at his hand to his face.
"Topper did that?" He questions already knowing the answer.
"Yes and you watched" I grab my shirt putting it back on as I fold my arms .
"I should kill him for doing that" he says quietly.
My brows frown , what did he just say?
"And why is that?" I question.
"You know why" he fires back as he steps closer.
"No I don't - that's why I asked" i take a deep breath in as he steps towards me.

He bends down as he swerves me , I think he might be grabbing something off my bed from behind me but he wasn't .
Instead he was slipping my phone into my back pocket.
My chest raises at his touch.
"You know you're step mum is a real bitch Kitty Kat" he smirks into my ear,  seeing my flustered face.
I gulp "she isn't my step mum , that woman is nothing to me" I walk past him sitting at my window.
"How long they been together?" He lays on my bed playing with one of my stuffed animals .
"Didn't he tell you at the last dinner?" I wasn't going to expose anymore of my life to Rafe Cameron.
"Yeah but I presume he's lying?" He tilts his head towards me.

"Does it matter? It never does" I pick at my nails .
"Who told you that?" He sits up , placing my stuffed animal back on my bed.
"Well I'm right aren't i , no one ever cares we just ignore it until we forget about it and then live like nothing happened" my father never cared for sorting things out.
There was no point trying, talking to him was like talking to a brick wall.
"Well I think different things matter to different people , it shows what kind of person you are" he confesses.
"Why are you here? Why are you being nice to me? Bailing me out?" I was so confused, Rafe had always been a asshole to me.

"I don't know" he shrugs
"You wanna get out of here?" My head snaps towards him .
"Yeah I do"
"Let's go then Kitty Kat" he opens my door and I smile at the boy I hate most.
Following him down my stairs to the front door.

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