Touch her.

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7th May.

"Has Jeremy tried calling you again?" Sage jumped on my bed as I play on my phone.
Jeremy left voicemails, messages and even went as far to text me on every social media platform I had.
"I blocked him" I lock my phone sitting back with my eyes closed.
He was sending me messages begging me to take him back, begging me to talk to him, see him.
"Good, how's the back?" I open my eyes to see Sage, full of concern and empathy.

"It's bruised but it doesn't hurt anymore" Jeremy had pushed me so hard that my back immediately broke out into bruising.
"I think you should tell someone about that- it's literally assault!" Sage had tried to get me to talk to the police but I didn't want to.
It's not like Jeremy would even get in trouble for it plus that's the only time he's layed a hand on me aggressively.

I had no case. I was a 'pogue' meaning I was on the poor side of the island it wouldn't matter if I had a whole case against him, he'd still come out of it unscathed. Why? Because he has money.
"Like I told you before, no. I don't have any evidence against him" I pull myself up out of bed.
"Have you told Rafe?" Sage watched me with narrowed eyes.

"About what?" I question, I shrug on a jumper before putting my phone in my back pocket.
"That Jeremy hurt you-" Sage sat back up like I was being stupid for not knowing what she was on about.
"Why would I? It's none of his business" I tilt my head as I speak to the girl.
"All the pogues know?" Sage raised her eyebrows challenging me on my logic.

"They're my friends"  I fold my arms across my chest.
"Last time I checked so was Rafe" shit. She had a point there.
"He doesn't need to know alright" I huff in defeat turning around to walk out my room.
"Where you going?" I heard Sage call after me, I turn back poking my head around the door frame.
"To Rafe's"

I open his door walking in, I smelt paint.
Low and behold Rafe was painting, he was wearing grey jogging bottoms, he had grey paint on his hands as he looked at me.
"Decorating I see" I smile looking at the wall he'd just finished.
"Yeah now I got to do that one, you uh- wanna help?" He held out a extra paint brush, I nod taking my jumper off leaving me in a white vest top.
We both start to brush the wall with paint, nothing being heard except the splotches of grey paint hit the surface.

"I heard you and Jeremy broke up" Rafe spoke softly, Breaking the silence.
Shrugging in response to what he just said I just try to not comment.
"Is it for good this time?" He stood next to me still painting.
"Yeah it's for good" I itch my jaw as I speak, honestly I couldn't even stand talking about Jeremy at this point.
"Good" Rafe spoke bluntly making my head turn towards him in confusion.

He looked at me with a slight smirk "you could do better" he clicked his tongue continuing to paint.
"What like you?" I scoff slightly, I didn't mean to sound like such a stuck up bitch when I said it but I did.
"No, you can definitely do better then me" Rafe  swallows before turning to dip his paint brush in the pot.
"I didn't mean it like that-" I rub my face with my hand, I hadn't be getting much sleep.

Not since Jeremy, not since I saw my Dad.
I'm moody and irritable, not my best look.
"Yeah you did and that's ok" he chuckled a little standing back up to paint the wall yet again.
"No I didn't" I throw my paint brush on the sheet that lay on the floor, frustration over taking my demeanour.
"You ok? You want to rest already?" Rafe laughed a little but it soon faded when he saw my face.

"He pushed me" I swallow looking to the side, anywhere but Rafe's face not because I was sad but because I was angry, I didn't want to tell him but it was coming out like word vomit.
"What?" Rafe dropped his brush onto the floor, his feet not moving closer to me.
He just stood there almost frozen.
"Jeremy. He pushed me. He got in my face. Shouted at me. I'm not giving up. I don't need a rest. I'm just- I'm just tired, I haven't slept that's all. I didn't mean to be a bitch or say that I deserve better then you" I bend down picking up my paint brush.

"He hurt you?" Rafe's voice almost shook with rage, I could tell he was trying to keep calm.
"I'm fine" I offered him a small smile before trying to proceed to decorating.
"Where?  Where did he hurt you?" He didn't seem to want to leave it.
"At my house" I play dumb and he shook his head.
My eyes frown before I turn pulling my shirt up showing him the bruise.

I Almost felt embarrassed. The pogues have been treating me like I'm glass that's about to break since I told them what Jeremy did.
I'm not scared of him, I'm not scared of anyone anymore. Life's good. So why are they treating me like a child.
My breathing picked up as I felt Rafe's finger tips graze over the bruise on my lower back.
I gasp slightly as I feel his front against my back.
"He touches you again I'll kill him" he whispered leaning down into my ear, I could feel his breath on my neck sending shivers down my spine.

"But I don't think I'll have to, you'll do it" he went on and my shoulders start to loosen.
"Rafe" I whisper under my breath before hesitatingly turning to face him.
"I didn't beat that asshole for no reason Kat, I've seen him get in other girls faces. Never hit 'em but still talking down to them, he was always drunk when he spoke to people like that so I thought maybe he'd changed- or he was just an angry drunk" my head tilted as I hear his confession.
"But you seemed happy and I know you can look after yourself, hell you had to look after me at some points" he chuckled stepping back from me.

"I'll go with you" I blurt out, my body almost awkwardly stood in a straight line.
"What?" He shook his head as if he maybe misheard me.
"I'll go to the Bahamas with you" my voice was quiet and calm as I looked at the boy.
Rafe looked back at me, we shared a silent stare before he rushed towards me, grabbing me up off my feet smashing his lips onto mine.
I wrapped my legs round his waist as he carried me into the front room, he placed me on the sofa never breaking the kiss.

His tongue pushed its way into my mouth as he grinds into me slowly making my mouth fall open a little.
His lips dip down to my jaw placing delicate kisses.
He wasted no time in getting my bottoms off, he stared down at me with a slight smile, one I've never seen before.
My hands reached down pulling his bottoms off, I swallow as I don't break the stare between us.

Something about this time was different, I didn't know how or why but it was.
"You ready?" He whispered, I nod my head before he thrusts into me.
My arms wrap around his back tightly, my mouth blowing into his next.
He starts to thirst in and out at a steady pace, I lean back meeting his gaze again, his mouth was slightly ajar, he smirked as I gasped, his hand reaching between my legs to rub my clit.

"I love you Kat" he kissed my forehead before continuing to look into my eyes.
"I love you too" my head tilts back as I feel him stretch me out, he wasn't going fast or hard like he normally would.
His free hand lay by my head keeping him up above me, my hands squeeze his arms.
The build up of tension in my stomach started to become more intense "I'm close-" I whine as his eyes rolled back hearing me.

His hand still between my legs pleasuring every part of me.
My hips buckled into him voluntarily, he pants as I clenched around him.
"Kat I'm not gunna last much longer" his head dipped down against my forehead as our breathes become one.
"Fuck-" I moan out as I release onto his dick, he smiled as his eyes closed, his forehead still leaning against mine.
He thrusted in and out of me a few more times before cumming.
He collapsed onto of me, his dick still inside of my pussy.

"Your the most amazing girl I've ever met" he chuckled before pulling out laying next to me of the sofa.
"I know" I joke as he hit my arm playfully.

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